Chapter 1

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BEFORE YOU READ! Please know that this is a sequel to my story Enmity. If you have not read it, please read it first. Thank you!


You left HQ. You didn't care where you were going, just as long as you didn't have to be around anyone anymore.

You had packed a bag with the essentials, water, food, clothes, and a blanket.

No one knew you had left but you knew it wouldn't take long considering Hanji tried checking on you every hour ON THE HOUR... God, she was a meticulous woman, but she cared...

It also wouldn't take long for others to know you're gone because you stole one of the 3DMG (Maneuver Gear).


You zipped through the air, grappling onto the nearest tree, landing on the tallest one around. You scanned your surroundings for any nearby villages, which to your surprise, there was one. It... It looked like Dauper? Isn't that where Sasha lives?

Dauper is a southern village and it usually sustains itself by hunting, though it recently turned towards farming and horse breeding to support the larger population.

That would have to do... Hopefully, they have an Inn you can stay at until you made a final decision of what you wanted to do. You sped through the air until you made it Dauper, landing on the ground just outside the area. You walked through the village, taking notice of everything around you. Houses... Houses... Stables... Stables... An inn! Perfect! You ran to it the moment your eyes met the sign, "Carl's Early Mornin' Inn," to which you entered. The door creaked behind you as you shut it and the man behind the counter gave you a strange look. Probably because of the 3DMG wrapped around your body but oh well, he could get over it...

"H-Hello..." Your voice trailed off.

"Welcome, miss! I'm Carl and welcome to Carl's Early Mornin' Inn," He said in a thick country accent.

You couldn't bring yourself to look him in the eyes so you drifted your gaze. "Ah, I would like a single room, please..."

"Yes, ma'am! Right, this way please!" Carl said, escorting you down a hall and into a room to the left. It was very nice. Stone walls, wood paneling for floors, and a window with yellow, burlap curtains. There was a handmade carpet draped on the floor, a bed, and a bedside table. All very nice, indeed. "Will this do, miss?"

You nodded and as the man left, you grabbed his arm. "Wait... If anyone comes searching for me, please, don't tell them I'm here. Please." You begged.

The man paused but nodded in agreement, walking away.

It was now getting late. You decided to get some rest. You took a seat on the bed and removed the bandages from your arms, soon laying down afterward.


"Erwin!" Hanji yelled as she entered Erwin's full office. "Erwin hurry! (Y/n) is gone! She's not in her room or-"

"Hanji..." Erwin slowly looked up at the worried girl and crossed his arms. "She's probably wandering around HQ. It's been awhile since she's left her room and she may just be getting better."

Mike, one of the two other men in the room merely nodded, "Yes, don't worry."

Hanji's brows furrowed and she stomped her foot on the ground. "Would you listen to me! You didn't let me finish! I and some of my squad members searched HQ and she has not been found!"

Levi sipped his tea, "She's probably off taking a shit somewhere or something-"

"We checked the 3DMG. There is one missing." She looked to Levi, "Now do you think she's off taking a shit? I can't believe you, Levi. Honestly, I blame you. She needed you and now she's gone. Our best soldier!"

"BEST?!" Levi shouted. "No. I am the best."

"Ugh, you are so unbelievable!" Hanji exclaimed.

Without hesitation, Erwin sped out of the room, leaving Glasses, Mustache, and Shorty behind.


Recruits had been called for and the task was set. Mission Find (Y/n) was on go and soldiers were out. The task was to search as much as possible, but if no one could find you by daylight then to come back. Erwin didn't want anyone out too long, and if all failed then they would search again.


All night, the soldiers searched, though it wasn't split into squads. All the squad leaders were actually together. Together Erwin, Hanji, Mike, and even Levi searched but there was no sight. You weren't in the forests at all so the last places to look was the villages.

They went to Ragako, no sign of you.

They then traveled to Jinae... Still no sign of you, not even at Utgard Castle. This meant the last place to look was Dauper...

Utgard Castle was a ways away from Dauper so they should reach it by daylight. The mission stated that the soldiers would go back at daylight but there were no rules for the squad leaders. They were determined... Well, most of them were.


Your eyes fluttered open and you winced as you accidentally hit your arm... Great way to start your morning. You stood and got dressed in your normal clothes for once, rather than your uniform. Black leggings and a dark green tunic go with it. You ended it with slipping on the brown boots you usually wore and with that, you headed out.

Walking out, you noticed a small marketplace so you decided to go browse. It was nice. Children were playing and adults were conversing while shopping. You stopped at a table selling assorted fruits and such. You picked an apple, but for yourself but for a horse. You had planned on stopping by a horse stable to see the horses they had here in Dauper. It sounded like a nice plan...

The horses were gorgeous, you thought as you stood to pet a black one that had a strong resemblance to Levi's horse. You let your hand lay flat as the horse ate the apple from your palm. It neighed in an enthusiastic way... 'Mmm, I'll call you Jean.' You thought to yourself. You reached up to pet the horse once more when a pair of arms suddenly wrapped around your body, lifting you up. You panicked, unsure of what to do so you elbowed the unknown figure in the stomach, causing them to drop you while making an "oomph" sound.

"Glad you got your strength back..." A deep voice spoke.

It was Erwin.

When you turned around you saw all the squad members including Erwin and Levi... Levi...

You said nothing and just looked down... Damn, it was all too easy for them.

Mike removed the gear from your body followed by Erwin lifting you up and carrying you to Levi's horse.

'Why Levi's?' You thought to yourself.

Levi hopped onto his horse and he lent out his hand to help you. Your heart skipped a beat but made you nervous all at the same time. He lifted you up and you felt awkward...

"Hold on, brat..." His voice was soft. Softer than the last time you had heard him. You wrapped your arms around his waist and all the leaders set off on their horses, though Levi stayed farther back. "We need to talk..."


So that was the first chapter! I cannot wait for more to unfold in this story so please stay tuned!

Epiphany- A Levi x Reader Sequel to EnmityWhere stories live. Discover now