Hera Moves Us To the Amazon

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Pippin POV

"Why are we in a jungle?" Holly asked.

My eyes snapped open. She was right, we were in a jungle.

"We're in the Amazon," Hank said. I didn't doubt him, but how-

"How is that even possible?" Holly cried. "We were just in New York!" Then her expression darkened. "Hera."


"Well, let's get going." Holly sighed. She got a compass app on her phone and used it. I think she actually did know where she was supposed to be going.

We traveled along for another few hours, then Holly said that I was about to drop.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"You look like an exhausted Orc. Lay down." Hank and Lily couldn't breathe because they were laughing so hard.

I assumed that it was some inside joke, because I didn't understand it at all. But I laid down anyway. Two seconds later I was asleep.

~~~Line Break~~~

I woke up being dragged along by Turner. I struggled and he immediately dropped me. Did he grow an extra fifty feet overnight?

I crashed to the ground painfully. "Ow," I muttered.

Holly was over within seconds. "Are you okay?"

I nodded. I was just a little sore. She helped me up.

Turner grinned. "Sorry, Lily dared me to."

"And you listened to her?" I teased.

"Fair point."

Lily looked offended. "Hey!"

"There's a freaky bridge up ahead," Daniel said.

Poor Holly looked like she was going to puke. The bridge was over a giant chasm that was at least 300 feet deep, maybe more.

"Hey, relax," I told her. "We'll be fine."

That didn't help. At all. It almost made it worse.

"I'll go first," Holly said shakily.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

She nodded. The bridge didn't look very sturdy. She was slow but steady when crossing.

Of course, Will had to butt in and go right after her. I wasn't very happy, but I went right after him. That's when things started to go wrong.

Percy Jackson Fanfic Thingy-The SequelDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora