Chpt 2.

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Chapter 2.

I awoke quite abruptly due to the sun peeping through my curtains. I didn't remember closing them the previous night, my mother must have closed them the night before. The sun almost blinded me, I had to squint my eyes to be able to see. I clambered out of the bed. Today was the day I started summer school, I had packed a couple days before so I didn't have to worry about doing that last minute. I opened my curtains to see my beautiful luscious garden. It was mid-summer so it was in full bloom. I wasn't sure if my mother was up yet so I quietly walked out of my room and into the bathroom. I had a long shower and washed my hair. I went back into my room and slipped on my new black and gold high-tops with a pink tank top and black leggings. I stood in front of my mirror, my face looked life less, pale and tired. I put on a tad of mascara and tied my hair up in a messy bun.

My mum and I finally sat down for a sort of brunch since it was about 12pm. We ate toast with marmalade and some salad. My mother and I didn't speak much. She was still pretty angry with the way I had been acting the last couple of weeks. I'd grown an attitude and that's something she would have to deal with.

I went upstairs to get my suitcase. I grabbed the handle and took one last look at my room. It looked messy and completely lifeless, just liked me, I suppose I suited my room in that way. I carried my suitcase down the stairs to the front door. My mother stood there waiting for me with a stern look on her face. She opened the door and led me out.

My mother looked quite fetching today of all day's, she most probably wanted to make a good impression, make herself look like a good mum. Ha! She had her blond hair tied in bun with her pearl earings and a matching necklace, she was wearing a black pencil skirt with a white stripy blouse tucked into it and stiletto heels. She really did not look like a 45 year old. She looked like a right tart, so embarrassing.

Highmoor California Summer School was about an hour away from my house so it wasn't that much of a long drive. Surprisingly when we finally arrived there it seemed like we'd been driving all day. The sun was in full beem and it had got increasingly hot. We stopped the car waiting for the electrical gates to open, they were painted metallic gold. There was a massive sign saying 'Highmoor California Summer School. Headteacher: Mrs Leslie Goldbird'

So this was it. The school I was going to spend the next 4 weeks in. What joy !

I hope you've enjoyed this next chapter. I hope I haven't lost your interest, it seems a bit boring now but it will get better. I'm just creating the climax. Comment please :)

Livi xx

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