Chapter 6

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I've been practicing a lot from the last few days. Even when I'm working I don't breath. I can control my breath for about two to three hours.

I saw an old man entering the store. He reminded me of my grandpa. I was close to him.

"How can I help you sir?" I asked him in a polite manner.

"I need all these things," he said giving me a list. I knew the things but didn't know for what they were used. I collected all the things and went to the counter.

The man paid the money and was going to leave. The bag was heavy. I didn't even know if he had bought a car or no. I saw that it was already four. So I decided to help him.

"Sir, do you have a car?"

"No my dear, I'll go walking."

"I'll help you," I said and took the bag.

We were out on the street. It seemed it was chilly as all humans were wearing layers of clothes.

"What's your name, dear?"


"Which way sir?" I asked. He then led the way.

"Don't call me sir. It makes me feel old you know. Call me John."

"Okay." I smile at him. He was a really great. We reached his house. His house was two storey. A simple house.

It was cosy from inside. I wasn't breathing at all. I was testing it even here. All because of her. Huh.....

"Son, would you like to help me?"


"Making a cake. Today is my granddaughter's birthday. I was to surprise her." He looked happy talking about her. I could tell that she meant a lot for him.

"Okay. But let me tell you, I have never baked or cooked in my entire life."

"Just do as I say, okay?"

"Fine." For the first time in history I think, a vampire was going to bake for a human. Haha...

I was done after one hour. It looked great.

"I hope its edible," I said.

"It will be. You put the exact amount of all ingredients." Yup. I didn't put anything more nor less. Just exact.

"Do you want me to write her name on it?"

"Yes. Arial."

"Arial," I whispered. Was this a coincidence. I took a breath. Shit! This is her house. She is John's granddaughter. I need to get out of here.

"You know her?"

"I'm not sure." I wrote the name quickly.

"John I'll be...." The door bell rang.

"Just a sec." He went and opened the door. Let it not be her. I decided not to breath.

"Who is this?" I heard her ask. I was facing away from her. I turned and saw the shock on her face.

"You?" she said.

"You both know each other?" John asked.

"It's a long story," she said. John went in his room to get something. Arial came close to me.

"Don't tell him," she whispered. Although she didn't specify I knew what she was talking about. I nodded my head in understanding. John came back with a present in his hand.

"Grandpa..." she said on seeing the gift. "There was no need."

"It obviously is needed. It your bithday."

"Thanks grandpa," she said.

"Okay Let cut the cake now."

"Actually I need to go. My sister might be worried."

"Wait till we cut the cake, please," Arial pleaded.

"Yeah! Now you can't say no to the birthday girl." I smiled and nodded my head.

We went to the table where the cake was kept. She was happy on seeing it.

"You made it?" She asked looking at John.

"Well I was the instructor. It was made by him," he said looking towards me.

"It looks great. Thanks," she said.

"Hopefully it tastes great as well." She smiled and cut the cake. She fed it to her granddad. I was nervous about how it would taste. I waited for his expression.

"Its yummy...." he said. I was glad he liked it. She bought the cake to feed me. It took some time for me to register what was happening. She was feeding me a cake. More precisely, she was feeding a CAKE to a VAMPIRE.

"I can't have it," I said.

"Come on your abs won't get spoilt because of a bite." Abs...huh

"I'm....I'm allergic to it."

"Done lying."

"I'm not," I said. How did she again catch me?

"Fine." She put the cake back down. A small pout on her face.

"Happy birthday," I wished. I couldn't shake her hand as she would feel something unusual. My body was tough. It was like a stone. Just a bit softer.

She didn't reply. "I should get going," I said.

"Okay son. Arial show him to do the door." Without a word she went outside. I followed her.

"I'm sorry," I apologized.

"Why didn't you eat then?"

"It...reminds me of my mom," I said. It was true. My mom always used to make came for me on my birthday.

"I'm sorry."

"Its okay," I said smiling. "I should get going." I turned and started walking.

"Hey! What's your name?" she called after me. "Or should I continue calling you Mr Stranger." The second part was not supposed to be heard by me. However, she doesn't know that I can hear her from here, right!

"I think Mr Stanger will do," I said turning back to look at her expression. She was stunned. Her eyes popped out and she started blushing.

I headed home with a smile on my face. Her look was incredible. I was happy today. Genuinely happy after a very long time.

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