Chapter 10 - 嘘ですよ (It's A Lie)

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Heyo! It is I your daily bread, Pandesal Queen! I'm finally back with a new update. Before I can continue with the story, thank you so much for getting this fanfic past 450 votes! It's un-freaking-believable! You guys are amazing. 〒▽〒

I also have updated/posted new art replacements on Chapters 5 and 7, and placed a new picture in 8. If you're interested to go and look at it, go ahead! :D

Anyways, I shall now present to you, the May update!!

Y'all know the key legend now that I have become lazy copy and pasting them. o(╯□╰)o


"I can still move."

Aizawa stared in shock with eyes widen and mouth gaped at Midoriya's action, "This kid...!"

"WOO! Now that's a hero-like record if ever saw one. Yeah!" Ochako cheered as I joined her cheerings silently by waving my arms around.

"His fingers appeared to be swollen." Iida observed as he placed his fingers on his chin, "Thinking back to the entrance exam... What a strange quirk."

"Stylishly done." Aoyama stated as his face twinkled as always.

I peered over to see Bakugou's reaction, and see his shocked face. He then burst out yelling with his hands behind him, "WHAT THE HELL? EXPLAIN YOURSELF, DEKU!!" His hand sparked up and exploded making his way to a screeching panicking Midoriya. Before he could lay a hand on Midoriya, Aizawa's scarf wrapped up Bakugou pulling him back away from Midoriya.

"Argh! What the...! This cloth... It's stiff!!" Bakugou grunted straining in the scarf. I trailed my sight following the scarf to Aizawa with his hair in the air against the law of gravity.

"It's a 'capture weapon' made of carbon fibers and a special alloy wire." Aizawa explained, "Geez. Stop using your quirk already." He became frustrated and glared at the explosive boy, "I'm getting dry eye over here." He then soon releases Bakugou and turned off his quirk, "What a waste of time. Prepare for the next event." He sighed.

Ochako and I shared a glance then went over to check in Midoriya. I got in front of Midoriya, placing my hands on the sides of his arms which made his flinch at my sudden presence and touch. I gently rubbed his arms in comfort as I hear Ochako ask beside me, "Is your finger okay?"

"Ah... Yeah." He responded as his forehead visibly perspires and fidgets nervously. I rubbed his arms faster to calm his nerves then slowed down my knowing I wasn't helping as much, then I remembered what I learned from Grey's Anatomy. Out of nowhere, I wrapped my arms around Midoriya and hugged him tight. Midoriya let out a surprised squeak at my sudden action. I closed my eyes and hold him a little longer, ignoring other people's stares.

'In Grey's Anatomy, Dr. Bailey and Yang had to give a big hug to Dr. Dixon in order to calm her nerves down. I'm so glad I learned about that fact. I just hope it really works.' I thought smiling to myself. I feel Midoriya's arms slowly wrapped around me hugging me back. In just a few seconds he stopped shaking, and I was about to let go but Midoriya still had his arms around me then we both waited.

"Excuse me for interrupting, but we have to get going to continue our tests." I hear Iida in front of me then I opened my eyes to see him standing there his left hand out chopping the air like he always do, as right hand went up to push up his glasses. Both Midoriya and I flinch at the realization then we awkwardly let go of each other. I nervously let a breathy laugh to myself not noticing a certain pale blonde boy was staring at me and also giving Midoriya a glare.

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