
Our faces literally inches apart

He looks at me as I go around him

"Wanna talk?" He asks following behind me. I ignore the tension and continue checking books. "About what?" "Listen it's clear that you're angry" "why would I be angry? We're not dating. You can do whatever and who you want"

I try to ignore him by continuously looking through the books and walking down different aisles

"Fine. I'll see you at the barbecue then"

I stop to look at him "you're going?" "Why wouldn't I?"


The barbecue approach's and soon we're all outside eating, drinking and having fun

Brie's POV

I grab a bag of chips and start walking around the area

In the mist of people walking I see Ethan staring intensely at something

I walk over to him and see that he's looking at Isabella and Grayson

"Jealous much?"

"What's going on between them?" "Same old same old. Well expect for the dreams" he standing in front of me blocking my view "what dreams?"

"She seriously hasn't told you yet?" "No and I'm pretty sure she's never going to just tell me"

"Isabella and Grayson having been having dreams about each other living their lives and having a family together. Olivia said that they might be connected by the universe"

He turns to see Isabella now standing alone and starts to walk towards her

I move my hair to behind my ear to hear the conversation but I'm startled by someone tapping my shoulder


"Long time no see Brie. How've you been?"

"I'm sorry I must be wearing my please talk to me shirt"

"Ouch. When did you get so sassy?" "When I talk to people I don't like" I smile and walk away

Isabella's POV

I start to munch on little snacks when I hear "were you ever gonna tell me?"

I turn to see an angry looking Ethan

"Tell you what?" "That you and my brother are apparently destined by fate"

"I was gonna tell you when you picked me out last night but obviously you had better things to do"

"See you're still mad" "You bailed on me to be with a thousand year old vampire bitch. I'm pretty sure anyone would still be mad"

Grayson's POV

"You bailed on me to be with a thousand year old vampire bitch. I'm pretty sure anyone would still be mad"

"At least I don't lead someone on when they clearly have feelings for someone else" "What are you even talking about?"

"I heard you say you loved him" "loved who? Seriously Ethan what aid wrong with you?"


I walk up to them to try to calm them down

"Guys I think-" "no stay out of this gray" she turns to me "oh yeah stay out of this gray" he mocks her

What the hell did I do?

"I thought I could trust you, both of you but apparently not" he walks away

Isabella's POV

I waited at his house for him to get there. We needed to talk and I was finally ready to

"You don't have to be a stalker and wait out for me. I know how to get home" he says and throws his eyes on the table "I know. I came to say I'm sorry"

He looked at me

"You're right. I should have told you sooner. The morning it happened I should have told you. But I didn't. And maybe if I did all of this wouldn't have happened. But do you know why I didn't. It's because you scare me. Whenever something bad happens you lash out"

"Yeah I do. I lash out when I start feeling something. I push people away because that's how I am"

"But it doesn't have to be" he looks away from me "I don't want this for you. I don't want this for us"

"You think I do? I'm a bad person" "no you're not. If you were as bad as you say you are I wouldn't feel the way I do about you. Even through all of this my biggest mistake was loving you"

He looked up at me "because it hurts when you love someone so much and they hurt you" he comes in closer "I'm sorry I hurt you. Isabella you can't even comprehend how much I've missed you. How much I've missed us. And when you said you loved him..." he looked down. I pull his face back up to look him in the eyes "I will never stop loving you. Even if the whole world is against it"

Michael's POV

I walk in and see Melissa talking with two girls in the living room

I give her a look and she walks over to me "Wanna tell me what's going on?" "I'm having them look for something"

I walk over to them and they continue to say a spell

I pull Melissa aside again "is it true that you hooked up with that Dolan kid?" She smiled and shrugs "what are you up to?" I question

"It's done" one of the girls said and Melissa walks over to them

She picks up a map on the table "thanks you. Keep me posted on how they're doing" the two girls leave

"What's that for?" I ask. "Something we've been waiting for"

"A map for the cure"

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