A Day to be noted

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She didn't get any calls after that.. But a Voice note talking rubbish about FB thing..

He just bursted out like hell scolding Shyam out of rude and bad words..

Hearing this, Sanu got to the peak of Red and blocked him on FB at once..

The next morning, He texted up saying, "Sorry about last night.. I was drunk.. Totally insane..
Plz forgive me sanu.. I beg U.."

He sent all this to her whatsapp..

She was very much furious at his yesterday's behavior.. She couldn't forget that soon..

Even she is not ready to forgive too..

Days passed..

Both terribly missed each other.. Nafi regretted his behaviour.. He tried to talk to her many times.. But sanu was not in a mood to forgive him..

After a week, while she went for a shopping mall, She saw a guy resembling Nafi..

She waz puzzled to confirm if it was him..

Her eyes went on searching for the face she just seen.. But couldn't find..

Then, she went into dress section after having her coffee in a cafe..

She was all alone in that kurtis section.. That day, crowd was very less..

So she thought to leave the mall earlier than usual as she was afraid about being alone in that big mall without any friends to accompany her..

After selecting the kurti, she went to get it billed.. Even before she could open her wallet to take out the card, a hand from behind her back give out the cash to pay..


Will be back soon with the next chapter.. Give me ur feedbacks people..

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