Chapter 30 - The Water Slide of Middle Earth

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Thranduil shook his head dismissively. "The title of randir cannot be claimed by those who have no right," he informed her. "The servants of evil are incapable of claiming a title of light, and there are those of us, such as the wizards or some of the higher elves, who have the capability of sensing the gate's magic upon you. It distinguishes you from the rest of your kin. Were someone foolish enough to impersonate a randir, they would quickly face the wrath of the Valar. They do not take such an offense lightly."

"That makes sense, I guess," Elena agreed, chewing on her lip as she thought. "If I gave a special gift to certain people to be used for good, and others began claiming it for selfish or wicked reasons, I'd be pretty mad, too."

"Indeed." Thranduil's face was solemn, but his eyes danced wickedly as he stood with a grace that Elena could never hope to achieve. "But come. It is time we return you to your friends. I am sure that they are coming up with all sorts of nefarious reasons I may have for taking you for questioning once again."

Elena grinned and got to her feet, wiping off her dusty tunic with a grimace. "Yeah, but it was kind of fun seeing their faces yesterday. Should I be all tight-lipped again? Completely unafraid? Boastful?"

Thranduil raised one robed hand and waved it gracefully in the air. "Whatever you wish. I am sure that my desires will have no bearings on your decisions. Step outside the door and Tauriel will take you back to your cell."

"I don't know about that, Your Majesty," Elena said, looking back at him with a twinkle in her eyes as she halted by the door. "Mom always told us to respect our elders. So I promise to at least consider them before dismissing them completely."

He shook his head, a small smile gracing his features for a brief moment before it faded to the cool exterior he normally displayed. "I'd forgotten what it was like to have a child around here once my son became of age. How old are you, anyways?"

Elena snorted. "Haven't you ever heard that you're not supposed to ask a lady her age? I'm... I don't know, actually. I've lived around twenty-two years, or so, but as best as we can figure out, I'm closer to around seventy-five years of age in dwarf years."

There was a quiet sound that might have been a quick intake of air, but his face remained impassive. "You are young, then. Not even of age. And your younger sister even more so. It is a heavy burden you both must bear."

Elena was quiet for a minute, before saying softly, "In our opinions, it's worth it. It's always been worth it." She leaned forward slightly, inclining her head in a quick version of a bow before slipping out of the room, where Tauriel waited patiently outside. She studied the dwarf curiously before beginning their trek back to the dungeons.

"The King seems very interested in you," she commented once they were away from the other guards, curiosity evident in her tone. She had been the one to escort Elena every time she spoke with the king, and they had spoken briefly several times while they journeyed, and were now fairly friendly acquaintances.

Elena shrugged. "I've been trying to win him over to our side."

The red-headed elleth blinked at her. "Your side?"

Elena nodded seriously. "I'm hoping to convince him to run away and join the dwarves. I thought about asking Prince Legolas, but considering the fact that I think I got him in trouble, he probably wouldn't like me."

Tauriel gave vent to a snort that was extremely unladylike. "You are... most likely not wrong. He was not particularly thrilled about the conversation he had with his father regarding his interactions with the dwarves. But I believe he is also somewhat... intrigued. Long has it been since a dwarrowdam has been seen outside of Erebor, and longer still since one has entered our halls." 

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