† Chp. XVIII †

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† Chp. XVIII †


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She was 9 years old when she lost her family.

Giggling, the little girl chased her brother as he leaped around the house, a wooden sword in his hand as the usual steel bucket sat atop her small head. The pitter patter of running feet sounded against the wooden floor as the boy jumped onto the table, his sister approaching the edge with her own wooden sword drawn.

"Hand over the kings jewels or I'll cut off your head!" She threatened, readjusting the bucket as it fell over her face.

"You'll never catch me, I'm Robin Hood! The most infamous outlaw in all of Middle Earth!" The boy exclaimed, throwing his hands up as a wide grin sat on his bright face. "The king of thieves! One day all will know me as the man who steals from the rich to feed the poor!"

The little girl looked up at her brother with admiration, before a thought drifted into her mind and she pouted, crossing her arms.

"What about me?" She questioned, furrowing her eyebrows. "What will I be known for?"

Her brother tilted his head, before jumping off the table and walking over to his little sister, a soft smile etched onto his features.

"Eretria Hood, the kings most noble and skilled guard!" He remarked, wrapping an arm around his little sister whilst emphasizing his point with a hand gesture.

"Why am I always the guard?" She protested, scrunching her nose. "It doesn't sound as cool as yours."

"How about Eretria Hood, guardian of the human race and protector of the innocent?" He suggested, smiling down at his little sister.

She pondered this for a second, before a wide grin spread across her features, her hazel eyes lighting up with excitment.

"Eretria Hood, guardian of all races and protector of the innocent." She pronounced, and her brother nodded in agreement as he patted her 'helmet'.

"I like the sound of that." He stated, but a sudden ear piercing scream caught the children's attention. The shrill had occured outside their cottage, and soon more started to arise from the streets as smoke seeped into the air.

"Hide!" The boy orderd his sister, pushing her under the table as he ran towards the door, making sure that the girl would not follow before he stepped through and into the open. But the little girl refused to hide from danger as she bolted towards the now closed door, not wanting to leave her brother.

She pushed the wooden door open, and the sight traumatised her innocent mind. Hideous creatures were shrilling as they attacked the townspeople with heavy axes, lighting huts on fire with torches and burning the village to the ground. People screamed as metal met flesh, blood splattering onto the dirt paths and staining what once used to be a bright, happy place.

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