three // shock

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story: seven minutes

part: three // shock


"Uh, no," Louis says, putting his hands palm down on the bar in front of him. Liam raises his eyebrows and Louis breaks out in a cold sweat, "No, I don't think... I... b─but... no! I─I, no. This isn't suppose to happen! I am suppose to meet my soulie at─at a nice café or book store and we have coffee and we end up getting married before we're twenty and we'll die happy with our four kids and twelve grandchildren and... and..."

Louis' rambling patters off as the lights start to flicker. Liam sighs and licks his lips, shaking his head. Louis looks around as everything starts going haywire around them. The stove is flaring, the microwave is turning on and spinning violently, the light over them is nearly swaying with the amount of electric current blowing through it. Louis yelps when the door leading into the kitchen bursts open suddenly.

"Well, you know what, shortie? You have free range to get your arse away from here! You haven't got to stay and humor me, who gives a damn about this whole fate thing, eh? Why don't you just forget about me and go back to that bar? I bet there's plenty of greasy, desperate men there who are totally about that hearts and flowers thing, who don't give a rat's arse about fate!," as soon as Harry started his speech, the lights had started to actually sway and all of the oven eyes caught on fire.

"I'm sorry," Louis whimpers, when he really wants to ask 'What are you? Who can control electricity?' "I─I'm sorry... I don't know what... I... I..." He slumps into his chair, trying to stop himself from crying. He is Louis Tomlinson, and Louis Tomlinson rarely cries. "I think I should leave," he rises up with a sniffle, and he dismisses the look Harry gives him. Liam stands up and puts a hand on Louis' chest to stop him. Louis sees Harry take a step forward, and Liam must too. He drops his hand.

Liam looks between Louis and Harry in thought. "Who attacked you, Harry?," he asks, folding his large arms over his chest. Louis watches them with bated breath. Harry folds his arms too and Louis swallows. Nobody says anything for a moment, and Louis can tell it's taking a toll on Harry to be standing up. He has to bite his tongue to stop from suggesting he sit down.

Harry's face hardens and he cover his face with one of his hands and when it reaches his chin he looks more subdued and eventually sighs. Louis notes everything suddenly calms down; the lights fade back to their original wattage and the microwave and stove stop flaring. "Poe's goons. Theo Martin and Richard Will. I remember them from previous... problems. I... they had me and... they... Louis saved me. He stopped them and brought me here."

"By 'stopped them', do you mean killed them?," Liam asks, and Louis stiffens, shaking his head so quickly his glasses almost fall off his face, "You didn't? Okay... so, you left Poe's left and right hand men alive, they know your face, probably first name, and they know you're Harry's soulmate. You think there's even a sliver of a slim chance of you leaving any protection we can put you under and continue your life as it was before?" Louis' cheeks flush and his eyes widen. Harry sighs.

"I─no! I have a life─I have family, friends... I can't just...," Louis mutters, water collecting at his eyes. Harry, losing his stubborn self control, steps forward and wraps Louis in his chest. He doesn't even question it, Louis doesn't, he just wraps his good arm around the warmth and starts crying. "What is going to h─appen?"

"Life here isn't as bad as you're thinking it is," Harry murmurs, his chin resting on the top of Louis' head, "I'm not going to let anything happen to you. But... you're going to have to accept the fact that this is not a hearts and flowers life style. We will have to move, sometimes over night. No traces left behind, no questions asked. You won't want for anything, Louis, but..." Louis sniffles as everything gets added on, "You'll have to trust me."

Seven Minutes » stylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now