Chapter 1

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Monday Morning

-Beep Beep Beep-

The alarm loudly sounded through my room. The rays of sunlight shinning in through the window and the occasional bird chirping was heard outside along with my annoying alarm. I finally turned off my alarm and I hesitantly peeled the covers off my body and climbed out of my warm bed, walking into the bathroom. I grab my toothbrush and the bottle of toothpaste and put a pea sized amount on my toothbrush. After rinsing my mouth and washing my face I get into a warm shower to wake me up a bit more. When out of the shower I do my other necessities and get dressed into some black skinny jeans with a maroon v-neck and my casual black vans. I apply a couple coats of mascara and I blow dried my brown long hair that reached just at my elbows. I pinned back my waves loosely with a bobby pin and grabbed my brown messenger bag along with my phone and keys. I walked out my front door and locked it. I don't have a car yet but walking burns calories and it's 20 minutes away so a good mini workout every morning.

Today would be like every other weekday, stacking and checking books. I don't really mind though because reading is my absolute favorite thing to do so it keeps me busy and earns a bit of extra cash. This summer I was planning on moving into a small studio in the middle of London closer to my current school.

As I walked it started raining more and more.

"Ugh just my luck."

I walked a bit faster and used my bag to shield myself from the rain. I swear London is so bipolar. One day it's hot as hell the next is pouring cats and dogs. As I finally make it to the library I unlock the front doors for everyone else to gracefully come as they please. Making my way towards the back of the spacious library I set my stuff down in the back room and grab the cart of misplaced books. As I start placing books back into their shelves I hear the bell of the front door ring indicating a customer entering our small book store/ library. I walk back to the front counter and I noticed a tall lean boy with chestnut curls and green eyes, some black skinnies and a plain gray hoodie make his way towards me. I have to admit he was pretty attractive. As soon as I thought he was walking towards my direction he turns the corner of one of the shelves and starts looking through the books.

"May I help you find anything specific?" I ask as I do any other customer who walks in here

"No thank you, just looking for now." He half smirks at me

"Okay well if you need anything I'll be in the back stacking books."


I make my way back to where I started and once again begin stacking books. I couldn't help but notice how hot he looked just standing there scanning through the pages of the book in his hand. He looks up and I swear we make eye contact for a split second but I am quick to turn back to my books but I can see him smirking and staring me down from my peripheral vision. I avoid any further eye contact and try to focus on the books I need to put away. Just one little glance won't hurt. As I'm about to look back at him he's already looking into my crystal blue eyes. Again that cheeky dimpled smirk spreads across his face and I can't help but give him a small smile.

"What's your name?" His deep voice echoes around the tiny bookstore

"Uhm.. Sophia.. Sophia Rose.."

"Nice, Sophia Rose, I like it, but don't you think you should focus on stacking those books instead of checking me out." He sarcastically states.

"Excuse me, what? I wasn't checking you out I was just doing my job and examining the books sir." I annoyingly answer back at him. I didn't mean to sound rude but it kinda ticked me off how cocky he is but yet so attractive.

"Woah calm down I was only joking Rosie and call me Harry not sir. I'm only 20 not 50," he teases. I cringe at his nickname for me and wave of sadness hits me as the memories come flooding back.


"Rosie? Rosie?! Rosie where are you?" I hear my father call as I make my way down the stairs making sure not to run to fast or walk to slow so I won't fall but also so my father won't get mad at me for not immediately responding to him.


"Sweetheart can you please take your sister with you upstairs and lock your door and hide in the closet. Don't come out until I ask got that?"

I nod my head in fear of my voice cracking knowing what he was up too again. My mother got home late again from work but only because she's been working overtime to get enough money to feed us and clothe us and put a roof over our heads considering my father does nothing all day but "watch us" and drink. I feared for my mothers life but I couldn't do anything afraid of getting me and my sister and mother in deeper trouble.

"Don't nod at me like a puppet. Speak." He firmly states

"Yes daddy." I say barely at a whisper.

"Okay now go and don't come out or I'll have my way with you and maybe even your sister understood?"


"Ebony... Let's go to my room I have something to show you..."

"Okay.." She jumps into my arms and I carry her upstairs with me to shield her from the terrible screams that are bound to happen any moment. As much as I dread letting my mother go through that, I am only 10 taking care of my 6 year old sister but soon we will all be out of here in our own home just the three of us when my brother comes back from the army and takes us with him to live somewhere else.

I lock the door and give my sister some headphones and my poorly conditioned iPod to block out the screams.

"Where have you been!" I hear my father yell

"I was working overtime again I'm sorry please don't hurt me I was only trying to get more money for us because we don't have enough food!" My mother pleads

"Bullshit! You were probably fucking around with your co-workers like the slut you are! I'm gonna teach you a fucking lesson for being a little whore!"

At that moment I hear my mother scream in pain and I can hear my father dragging my mother up the stairs to the other hallway down their room to do whatever horrid thing he does which is most likely beat her.

I hold back my tears in fear of my sister asking what is wrong but I do nothing but hold her in a tight hug in the corner of my room until this nightmare routine is over.


"Are you okay?"

I snap my head up from my daze and look at Harry

"What?" I confusingly ask

"Your eyes got teary and you went into like a trance or something," his eyes are full of concern

"Yeah I'm fine. Just please call me Sophia. Thanks." I can't help but snap at him. I don't know why but it only annoyed me for the nickname he had made of me. It's not his fault for not knowing but I couldn't help but be bothered by it.

"Shesh didn't have to be such a bitch about it. I'll leave you alone. Bye Sophia." He glares at me and turns on his heel and walks out of the bookstore.
At loss of words I stand there shocked at his sudden change of mood but shake it off and go back to work.


So just if you were wondering I decided on Danielle Campbell to play as Sophia but you can envision whoever you want of course. Okay omg first chapter oh my god I'm so sorry if it's bad and there's so many typos but this is like the first time I've done this type of thing but yeah I actually started this fanfic a long time ago I just never really continued it because I didn't know what the story would be but I guess now I got it a little figured out but yeah just like, vote , comment and again I'm sorry if it was bad but if you have any suggestions please leave them below. It would be nice to hear what you all have to say omg but alright I'll stop rambling. I love you guys xx

ig- silviarosestyles

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