Chapter 3

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As we're driving down the wet road I explain to Harry about going down the wrong neighborhood to Richard threatening to shoot me and how I ended up at the club until I saw him out there.

"It sounds pretty serious, are you sure you don't want to report it?" He starts after I finish.

"No I don't want trouble, what if he finds me and actually kills me like he said."

"Well he doesn't know anything about you, you did give him the wrong name, but are you sure he didn't touch you or hurt you?" He asks worriedly.

"No I'm fine."

The rest of the ride is pretty quiet and we finally reach my place. It's not raining as hard as it was earlier but there's a little sprinkling.

"Well thank you for your help tonight and I'm sorry about earlier." I quietly acknowledge today's events in the library.

"No problem and it's fine, everyone has their days, but I'll definitely see you around very soon," he smirks and winks at me.

"Um okay well I have to go, I have to work tomorrow and it's pretty late, Goodnight."

"Goodnight Sophia."

With that I close the door to his car and make my way to my door to unlock it. He doesn't leave until he sees me open my door and step inside.

When I check the time it's 12:21

Nice. Now I'll only get about 5 hours of sleep if I'm lucky. I groan but make my way to the bathroom to remove my makeup and do all my other necessities and I go straight to my bed and pass out. Today was extremely exhausting and I hope tomorrow is at least a decent day.

-Next Morning-

Another day of the same routine of course. But today I only get 300 calories. Yes. 300.

I've always had body issues. It started when my family would just tease me about my weight but then it got worse and I got tired of it and I started to starve myself and if I ever ate more than I should have I'd punish myself by making it come back up. I've never been content with my body. I loved the feeling of an empty stomach and I loved losing pound after pound. I felt like I was finally in control of something at least and it gave me a rush. Nobody noticed until I ended up in a psychiatric hospital once and I wasn't eating the meals they gave me and it was hell for me. They never let me leave that table until I ate at least 1/4th of my plate. Each day after that they expected me to eat more and more and I only did it so I can get rid of it later. Late at night when they sent us to our rooms, my roommate would always fall asleep pretty fast and it gave me a chance to go to the bathroom and purge.

Of course I only had about 10 minutes because that place had a camera in every corner and a nurse in every hall checking every room every damn 15 minutes. I had to make sure I wouldn't get caught or else they would have a nurse watch me 24/7, even when I showered. It was really tricky, they body checked us to make sure we weren't hurting ourselves so I had to think of something else so I wouldn't get back those red burns on my knuckles from the stomach acid so I started using a spare toothbrush. Nobody suspected anything. Thankfully I was only there for 8 days. I know it's not much but when you have nothing else to do but stare out a window watching the rest of the world go on with their lives, it felt like forever. Everyone thinking you were honestly crazy. I did everything to make them believe I was getting better. We had to do group therapy and individually talk to another therapist and a bunch of bullshit like that. They always asked us the same thing. Not like they actually cared. They only wanted money of course. They were real dicks to us. Constantly sending us to our rooms making us fill out packets that were AT LEAST 60 pages long. They wouldn't let us out until we finished them.

"Rate your depression on a scale of 1-10 right now."

"Do you feel like hurting yourself?"

"Are you feeling suicidal?"

It really pissed me off hearing that at least 100 times a day. I know it's their job but Jesus Christ did it get annoying. I of course lied and told them day after day I wasn't really depressed and I was much happier and I don't want to hurt myself anymore. They were only trying out my new meds, they wanted to see what effect they had on me but finally after the end of the first week I begged my doctor to let me go back home with my family and she finally did.

So I got back and a year later I had enough money to get my own place and now I'm here. Living alone and working in a bookshop. Fantastic I know. I don't mind being alone though. It's something I honestly enjoy.

Okay weird ending to this chapter but yeah at least you know a little more about Sophia's past but I can assure you that there's definitely way more you need to know. Anywho love you x please comment, vote and share (:

IG: silviarosestyles

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2016 ⏰

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