What Took You So Long?

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Like most nights, Daryl was wandering the forest with nothing more than moonlight to guide him. He had no destination in mind but away... from the nightmare that was home, from the bleak future it represented. At the young age of 17 he already felt that his future was sealed and it was nothing he wanted.

    Tonight was different; there was something in the air that made the hair on his arms raise. That feeling was reinforced when he reached the small brook and discovered that someone was already sitting on his log; a girl, judging by the small build and long hair wavy hair hanging down her back. He stopped at the tree line, unsure of what he should do... at least until she spoke, that is.

    "What took you so long?" Came the soft voice; a voice that sounded familiar.

    "I... Uh, were you expecting me?"

    In response she just softly laughed and then turned to look at him. He felt his skin breakout in chills when he saw her breathtaking face and the glow that seemed to emanate from it. 

    "Yes, and I only have until morning so we need to make our time count. Come sit by me."

    As if obeying her command, his feet walked forward and he sat next to her. She took his hand in hers sending a small jolt through him and he knew why she looked familiar.

    "Alex?" She nodded. "But how... you moved away all those years ago," Daryl swallowed hard. "I heard that you were real sick."

    "I was." Her free hand went to his face and her eyes searched his. "You ever heard someone ask if you could have dinner with anyone on earth – dead or alive – who'd it be." He nodded. "Someone asked me that... and I picked you." She stood, keeping hold of his hand. "Take me to your secret place, the one in the trees."

    They sat on the platform edge with their hips touching and talked for hours. Daryl told his childhood best friend his deepest, darkest secrets and fears and she told him about being sick. She asked him about his plans and dreams and encouraged him to step out to make them happen. Somewhere along the way, he decided that she was a figment of his imagination but he didn't care. She was giving him something he'd never had; encouragement and hope.

    In the part of the night when the sky is black and the moon is bright, they brought their bodies together to consummate the love that had been born so many years before. It was tender at times and fiery at others. And when dawn broke, Alex looked down and placed a kiss over Daryl's heart before her time was up and she continued her journey.

    The next day, news of Alex's passing came through her cousin. There were no tears; instead he put his hand over the place on his heart where her lips had left a permanent imprint.

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