The Poster that Started it All

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Ryuu opened his eye's into the morning rays. Not really. He was currently laying on a side of a wall of a quiet neighborhood, not far from the cities. Ryuu got up and looked around. Where was he again? There was no one around the corner but still his caution was not given away. Anyone could be peeking from a window at him.

"Still need to find a way back home..." Ryuu mutter to himself. He is not to be consider a homeless or a wanderer by anyone. Ryuu started walking in a direction that seems to be the most calming. What is it that draw him to that direction, he himself  didn't know. It's as if a path of light was shone before him. Ryuu continue off in the direction.

"Will I find my way home today? It had already been half a month already." Ryuu questioned himself. He need to go back home. His kind are already in grave danger of being hunted down. They either surrender themselve to be bought in a high-rated auction or be killed for their body worth.

And it's exactly that, that Ryuu been trying to avoid. But he had to be stubborn and wonder right into a territory where angel hunters live. He himself am an angel. Concealment of their pure white glowing wing was easy so as the natural glowing hue to them. But it's not granted for them to stay concealed and appear like any normal people. All angels will only feel calm and natural themselves when there wings are out and the glowing hue that provide endless energy and stamina.

That said, Ryuu needed to find his way so that he doesn't have to worry. Even out in a plain or hill is better than this place. Ryuu walked up a set of stairs with trees on the side and houses on the top left of him. The stairs weren't too long for him to walk to the top. He turned left and mindlessly walked on. The sunlight was bright up here so Ryuu hung his head a bit low. Several people were up here as well. A lady that looks to be in her 40's carried a grocery bag with her. Three children with water gun ran around spraying water in a playground at each other. A few more join in the game.

"Ha ha, take this!" A boy with messy brown hair and chestnut color eye shouted with glee. He pointed his water gun at Ryuu who was walking by. Since he wasn't that self-aware to begin with, his reaction was late. Ryuu had just turn over to look at the boy who pointed the gun with water already heading toward him, got water splash onto his face.

"I got him guys!" The boy laughed as he pointed with his free hand. The others Ryuu assume to be that boy friend look at his wet face burst out laughing. Ryuu stare at them but said nothing. He shook his head side by side. Little droplet of water flew everywhere. Some water still stuck to his hair. He opened his blue eyes and look at the child again. The boy and the rest stopped laughing. Their face were replace by a awe expression.

Oh no! Not again! Ryuu panicked. He quickly turn away. He had once again showed a mesmerizing angel face. It's so natural to him and the other angels that it's hard to hide that. This time he carelessly show his face to a small group of 8 year olds.

Ugh!! Why am I so careless about my surrounding! Ryuu scream mentally. The kids had walked up to him now. Right in front of the playground entrance. They all stare up at his eyes.

"Angel..." a girl in the group mutter out. Ryuu eye widen. That gave the kids a full clear view of his eyes. They started tugging at his black shirt. If one were to see what's to happen next, they would be somewhat dumbfounded or find it funny. Ryuu fell down as the small group of kids crawled on him. Literally pinning him down. Getting pull down with so little effort, and by kids too.

"Let me see!" A boy shouted. There was a bunch of crawling and tugging. Watergun sprawled on the floor any direction you look. Ryuu hair got tug, so's his shirt. The boy from before place his hand on Ryuu's face and stare into eyes. Ryuu froze abruptly as he unconsciously allow the boy to look.

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