New pet...

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Siren pov
I woke up and decided to wear something a lil different I put on jean shorts with white laced up sides and a white crop top with white vans
I'm feelin' white today
I walk downstairs stairs and see Logan
L-mor- ummm what's this your wearing there Si??
L-okay? Just normally it's merch or black
S-I feel white today
I say with a smile
I go to the fridge and get stuff for oatmeal and make some for everyone so that is 6 bowls, I go to the cabinet and see only 4!!
S-why do we only have 4 bowls when I know there is six because I'm the only one who cleans in this house!!
L-I don't know
S-Evan I swear if there is two bowls in your room from cereal!!!! Come down here now with them and I won't be mad!
I yell for him from upstairs
He walks down with two bowls
E-here you go ma'am
S-thank you Ev
E-no problem
I take the bowls and clean 'em
I put oatmeal in each one and put some milk and some water and put them in the microwave for 1 minute each
Once they're all done I stir them and put some cinnamon and some sugar in them then cut some strawberries and bananas and put them in and some blueberries on top and top it off with powder sugar
S-everyone I have breakfast ready
Everyone comes into the kitchen and I give everyone there bowl I see Logan have his hand held vlog setting it on the counter facing him and grabbing his bowl
Everyone takes a bite and i year Yums and moans from everyone
Q-this makes me horny
I laugh at her
L-this is so good who birthed you
S-same one that birthed you!
B-this is bomb
Lyd-yo this is the best oatmeal I have ever had!
S-thank you everyone, so what are we doing today
L-we're gonna get a new pet!
S-excuse me?
E-were gonna get a animal
S-um Logan are fucking thinking where is your fucking brain
L-in my head
I slap my forehead
S-what type of animal
L-dog or cat
S-okay but I'm not taking care of this we already have a fucking zoo
I shake my head at their stupidity
And put my bowl in the sink and wash it
S-anyone else done
Soon everyone one puts their bowl in the sink
I wash all the dishes and straighten up the house a bit
Lyd-Siren you don't have to do that I was gonna do it when y'all left
S-why?, your a assistant not a maid
Lyd-in Logans head this is a assistants job
S-I will pay you to not clean this house Lydia cuz it's not your job
Lyd-Siren I'm serious
S-Lydia I'm serious Logans retarded in the head anyway he's got metal in there
She chuckles
Lyd-fiiiine I give up
She walks to the dining area and goes on the computer
S-Lydia you wanna work in my room it's more quiet in there
Lyd-you sure that's okay?
S-yeah follow me
She picks the laptop up and follows me
Lyd-I've never been in here
S-we'll it's my room the only person that comes in here is Brendan and Logan
Lyd-why Brendan?
S-no comment
She sits and we talk about random things while she does emails, Lydia is a pretty entertaining person we're friends Quinn came in here a bit too.

Time skip
It's about noon and we are on our way to pet smart to do the animal thing
We pull up and leave the car
I follow all of them and go my separate way to the reptile part
I see some snakes and I go up to the small containment boxes and see a beautiful blue snake
I see a worker go bye
S-wait excuse me sir
W-yes ma'am
S-this blue snake can I hold it
W-you sure
He opens the containment area and grabs it with his hands by the tail
S-sir don't do that your either gonna hurt it or hurt yourself!
W-exuse me?
I put my hands flat and he places the snake down
S-hey your beautiful aren't you?
W-ma'am your talking to a snake
S-sir your talking to a girl
I say giving a resting bitch face
The snake turns at him and nods
S-hell yeah baby I say looking at it
W-so do you want it
S-um I'm going to hold it a little and walk around and see is that okay
W-yeah just don't walk out with it
S-I won't
I leave and try to find everyone I go to the dog adoption and see them
L-yo Logang look what siren has
S-say hi little one
It shakes it head saying hello
E-yoooo that's so cool I want one
S-if we are getting a snake it's mine because I want it
E-but I don't have a pet
S-I don't either
L-hey hey hey how about we put the snake in each of y'all s hands and see which person it likes best
E-that's totally unfair it obviously likes her better!
S-don't yell
Logan grabs the snake carefully and me and Evan put our hands together
L-okay I'm putting it in the center and it's  going curl up on the persons hand it likes best
He places it down and it immediately comes to me and curls up
E-see totally unfair
S-it's fair I'm not the snake
Evan glares at me
S-Logan please please please can I have it, wait you owe me so I automatically get it ha
L-what about the flipping zoo we have
S-but but but-
L-and what about manager Jeff what is he gonna say
S-No. because we have to be professional and blah blah blah...fuck manager Jeff I want it he's not my manager
L-but he's mine and your living in my house
S-and I'm the one that got sent here because my brothers left me to live in a hell hole
L-well maybe if you weren't such a horrible child nun of that would have happened
S-maybe if I didn't get raped 24/7 by y'all guys friends maybe I wouldn't be traumatized
L-if you weren't a girl maybe that would have never happened
S-I wish I was never born!
I walk away and put the snake in the workers hand and he puts it in the containment boxes and I leave thestore and call an Uber to Jakes house

I texted Jake saying I'm comeing over
He responded with come quick

Time skip
I made it to jakes house and saw him in the front driveway with pretty nice clothes on
I run to him and jump on him wrapping my legs around his torso and putting my head in his neck
J-siren what's wrong what happened
He holds me and carries me through the front and into the living room he sits down and I'm still latched to him I start to silently cry in to his shoulder
He pulls my face away and holds it
J-Siren what happened?
He said softly trying not to scare me
J-what did he do?
S-um we were at pet smart and I had this snake and everything escalated pretty quick and the last thing I said till I left was I wish I was never born...
He pulls me back into his chest and I  cry again
J-shhh shh it's okay...
S-no it's not I fucked up I just left
J-no it's not
J-Siren I have to leave...
J-I'm going to new York
S-can I stay here a couple days
J-sure you can stay in my bedroom while I'm gone and when I come back you go back to Logans
I get up and wipe my face I hug him and say bye so he can leave I see Erika behind me and everyone else
S-sorry guys...
E-honey it's okay you can use my spare clothes and the merch here okay?
She hugs me and I'm like 5 inches shorter than her
E-bye sweetheart
She leaves and I go to the kitchen and grab two popsicles
I go to the front door take off my shoes and put them next to the door
I go upstairs to Tony's room and I give him a green popsicle
S-here you go
T-thank you, you okay what happened?
S-um something with Logan that's it
Soon Tony's phone started ringing

L/hey Anthony I know she's there tell her I'm sorry and it's okay if she stays there I fucked up and I am truly sorry
T/okay bro bye

S-who was it?
T-it was Logan he said he knows your here and he's sorry and it's okay if you stay here

Tony gets up and goes to the living room downstairs and lays in the corner I follow and sit between his legs and curl up on top of him and watch him on his phone
Soon I fell asleep

Tony pov
Siren is asleep and chad comes running  in here and vlogging me
He starts to whisper
C-tony what's going on here
T-I'm a couch cushion
C-she's pretty close to your dick
T-chad! No this is jakes sister
C-whoop don't come for me!
Siren moves and wakes up without opening her eyes
S-Chad if you don't go the fuck away I will stab you with a fucking fork!
C-damn women...
He leaves and siren falls back asleep

I get up and pick her up and bring her to my room and place her on the bed and cover her with a blanket


Our little secret//Brendan north//حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن