Fixing mistakes

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I run and go find tony but can't find him
S-Fuck Tony where the hell are you?!
I run down stairs and run to the kitchen I grab him and lean him on the counter and kiss him he kisses back I let go grab his hands and put them to my butt
C-are y'all dating?!
J-better not
S-I don't feel it!
S-I don't feel the Love or spark when you touch me or kiss me...
S-sorry Tony your not the one the only thing I like about you is the sex and your dick. Bye gotta go I have to fix things, Oh and Anthony if this doesn't go right keep your phone on ya might need some support...BYE!!
I run out the house ignoring the fact I didn't call and Uber I didn't have time

I run speeding past everything and making it surprisingly at Logans place
I run in and see Brendan sitting at the island I run over and kiss him hard he kisses back I let go
S-I feel it!!
S-I'm sorry Brendan I really am I'm sorry I didn't tell you about my past and my addiction I'm trying to get rid of it, I'm sorry for fu-
B-shut up!
He grabs my face and kisses me soon he lets go
B-it okay I over reacted your right I don't know your past with tony and I love you...
I smiled at him and pecked his lips
S-I love you too...


I know this one is short but... sorry I have no excuses 😂💀😊

Our little secret//Brendan north//Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora