Chapter 1

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As I sat down in a seat on the bus I panicked. I forgot the notes I needed that day for the two tests I had to take one being a semester final. School had been so stressful lately but why today of all days did I have to forget to bring my notes? Quickly I called my mom asking her to bring them before she went to work. She told me that she had already left but she would send the housekeeper Rachel over. 

As soon as I got to school I shoved my stuff in my locker and raced out to meet Rachel. As she pulled up I ran out to her car. I opened the door and grabbed the notes saying a quick thank you to Rachel. 

"Wait honey are you okay" she said stopping me. 

I hadn't realized I was on the verge of crying, "No' I said. "I hate school it's so stressful and I have to much to do and not enough time to get it done". 

"When are your tests today sweetheart" she asks gently. 

"First and sixth hour" I said as tears pooled in my eyes. 

"Honey I think it would be a good idea if you talked to your first hour teacher and ask if you can take your test at a different time okay?" Rachel asked. 

I nodded my head "Thanks Rachel I don't know what I would do without you". 

As I reached the classroom I stopped and took a deep breath. Pull yourself together Chloe I told myself you can do this. I walked in. 

"Mr. Astor may I talk to you?" 

"Of course Chloe what's up" he asked. 

"I was wondering if you would allow me to take my test at a different time? It's been a really rough morning" I said trying to breath. 

He must have sensed my stress level because interrupted me "Of course Chloe why don't you study your notes while I get everyone else started?" 

"Thank you so much Mr.Astor" I said as I walked back to my seat. 

So you are probably wondering who the heck I am by now right? Well here is a bit about myself. I am 17 years old (yes I have my license), I am what most call an "overachiever", I push myself to strive to do better all the time, I go to a fairly small high school of about 400. I use to play volleyball and basketball but the girls programs at this school aren't very good so now I am a manager for our boys basketball team. I love traveling and seeing what the world has to offer. I live about three minutes away from the school with my parents. Our house is in walking distance from our grandparents horse farm which is very convenient for me because I love the horses they have at the farm. My mother is a travel agent and my dad owns chain of hunting and fishing stores. 

By the time fourth hour came around I was feeling much better so I went and asked Mr. Astor if I could take my test during lunch.  He told me of course and that he was glad I was feeling better. 


When the bell rang at the end of the day I was glad to be done with the school day. I quick shoved my homework and any other items I would need that night into my backpack and waited for my friend Asher to get his stuff together so we could walk out together. Asher and I have been best friends since 5th grade. For awhile he had the biggest crush on me and we tried the whole dating thing but relationships freak me out. 

"You ready?" Asher asked. 

"Of course" I replied. 

I really hope when Asher finds a girlfriend that she isn't super weird about Asher and I's relationship because I don't know what I would do without him. We started walking out of the school and random daily conversation started. 

"Why didn't you tell me you had a lint roller in your locker?" Asher exclaimed. 

"I didn't  know it was that big of a deal" I said trying to hid my laughter. 

"I've been walking around all day looking like a freaking fur ball" Asher said looking slightly embarrassed while he said this. "And this black sweatshirt doesn't help". 

I picked a couple hairs off his sleeve. "So why do you look like a ball of fur" I said not containing my laugh anymore and a giggle escaped. 

"I din't say you could agree that I looked like a fur ball!" 

"Oops my bad" my face was getting red from laughing. 

"This morning I was cuddling with my dog before I left" he said sheepishly "I need to buy clothes that aren't black maybe then when I could with LuLu it won't be so obvious". 

"I don't think that will get rid of your problem. That would that would be so hard  for me I wear too much black" I sad chuckling. 

"It's worth a shot how about we both try to branch out more?" he asks as we arrived at my bus. I have my license but my car was in the shop getting new tires so I was stuck on the bus.

"Alright I can try. I'll talk to you later" I said as I stepped on to the bus. 

"Yeah later" he called as he walked away. 

As I sat on the bus I thought about how long its been since I went to see the horses. School had been so busy I hadn't had the time to go visit. Horses always seem to cheer you up when you've had a bad day. 


Hey guys I hope you enjoy my book. This is my first attempt in writing so please give me feedback about what you think! Remember to comment and vote! 

Chloe Wells summer of senior yearWhere stories live. Discover now