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Meanwhile, on Earth 38, Kara was still sad about Mon-el's return and Reign was still at large.

Monel taking to Imra:

" It's time I tell you why we are actually here" says Imra

" I thought we were here by accident?"

"No, we decided, Brainy and I, to save you by returning to the past. I'll explain.. We went in the future, while you were still sad about Kara. And we saw you die. You died because you were not over Kara. We thought that getting closure by seeing her again would prevent that."

"Uhhh..So we are leaving? We just came here so I can say bye forever to Kara?"




Team Flash was going through the plan one last time when suddenly all the lights of the lab went off.

Everyone stopped talking and were looking around in confusion. Barry ran all over too see why the lights went off, but there were no source to that incident.

When the lights went back on, DeVoe was in his chair. Looking at them. Barry ran to him but, DeVoe had weaken the powers of everyone in the room somehow.

Caitlin tried to become Killer Frost and Cisco tried to open a portal out of there, but without success. Everyone in the lab was powerless.

Screams Barry

" Simply continuing my plan. By the way, thank you for playing in my game, you all made it so easy on me." Says DeVoe

" We know your plan, and we won't let you succeed! You WON'T take over the world, DeVoe. Stop trying!" Cisco says while slowly approaching DeVoe

" You are all idiots if you think being able to beat me at my own game. It's quite funny to see you all so confident when soon, you'll have no expressions on your faces." DeVoe says while laughing

"Barry, you know that feeling you had when Zoom killed your dad? The feeling of anger rushing through your veins. You wanting revenge more than anything in the world. You wanting him to suffer as much as you suffered. Well, you will visit that feeling very soon."

" I don't think so, I changed since then, and I matured-"

"Oh really, you think going back in the past and living with your parents for a couple of months helped you mature? You think that because your "over" your parents death, that anger and sadness will not affect you. That's where your wrong."

" Yes, it did help me, and no I'm not wrong, I won't be feeling anything but satisfaction when I lock you up."

"It's really hysterical that you actually think you will win. Barry, haven't you learn in the last 4 years that anyone can out-smart lovely Barry Allen. Stop thinking your a god."

"I'm no god, but I will stop you-"

* The lights shut down and open back up. DeVoe is gone and Team Flash gets their powers back, but are confused and agitated.


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