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hey it's me again, this is my first post in 2018,, who said my life will be more better just cuz it's a new year,, it's basically the same.. I just wanted to say that i still like this certain person (the person I talked about in like 6 chapters) well, i kinda gave them a card on Valentine's day through my friend cuz im a scared little mudda,, idk why but recently, i have not been ok like usual, you guys might ask but the thing is i don't know exactly why i'm like this. I don't care about my grammar in here cuz it's a rant so don't correct me. The thing I hate about myself is that I got no confidence,, I'm always scared of what others will think about me.. It's honestly very terrifying when you know people actually talk about you it's either good or bad. I have no self confidence in myself that I can't even act normal, I'm just a combination of weird and awkward,,

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