"Oh," she whispers back. I nod and pat her back. A chubby woman with thick red lips and curly red hair walks in with a rat dog in her arms.

"Oh Liam!" she cries in a squeaky voice making me wince a bit.

"Hey Aunt Betty," he mumbles. Betty walks up to him and gives him a big fat kiss on the cheek she then looks at me and Abella who are standing next to him.

"And who is this?" she questions looking at Abella closely getting up in our faces. Making Abella dig her head in closer into me as she tries to hide.

"Umm this is Lani my girlfriend and are daughter Abella," he says pointing each one of us.

"Oh! So this is your daughter! How adorible, come see Aunty Betty," she cooes to Abella, Abella grabs my shirt tightly so she doesn't have to leave me.

"Umm, Abella doesn't do very well with strangers so it might be best if she stays with me," I explain to her. Betty looks taken aback.

"What but all childern love me!" she says still in shock.

"I understand that, it's just that Abella needs to get to know you until she feels comfortable with you," I explain I had to do that to my family too. People would come up to her and start talking to her like they've known her forever when in reality they never even met her.

"Oh well I shall see you later," she says walking away. Abella peaks out from my hair and sits up in my arms.


"What's wrong baby girl?" I coo. Liam picks her up so she and I can look at each other.

"Is she gone?" Abella questions us making a smile crack on both Liam and I's faces.

"Yup princess she's gone," Liam says kissing her head. She nods and sighs in relief.

"She scares me," Abella explains.

"Trust me she scares everyone," Liam says with a smile as he shifts her in his arms. After greeting what seemed like a thousand people we finially left the front door. Liam and I's fingers intertwined walking through the house chatting with different people then grabbing some food and sitting on the grass on a blanket that his parents had set up. The pool had people in it splashing around smiling and laughing, while a volleyball net was being put up.

"What's up with the volleyball net?" I ask.

"Oh we usually play every year," he explains. I nod as I give Abella some fruit that she'd been asking for.

"Do you still play?" I ask him.

"Yup, you?" Liam questions me. I nod.

"Every night after work, still the chap," I say with a satisfied smile.

"We'll have to see about that," Liam says with a smirk on his face.

"Oh you are so on," I say with a wicked smile on my face.

"Bring it sweet cheeks," he replies back still that smirk on his face. After we finish the volley ball game starts, Abella with Brenda who is the ref. I take off my white shirt to show only one stretch mark which I try to cover up but still is there.

"Alright the rules are the first game boys against girls, the mix, and lastly partners! Everyone should know the rules by now so let the games begin round one boys vs. girls," Brenda yells. I get in my spot which is in the middle front which is what I usually play when I do. Liam smirks at me across the net, I look around to see that most of the girls are looking at their nails. Shit!

"Bring it bitch," Liam mouths. I roll my eyes a smile on my face.

"Go suck your own dick," I mouth back. He laughs and we get into are positions. The ball comes over the net a blonde girl I think her name is Trudy hits it over to me which I hit then spike it putting as much force as I can which makes all of the boys run from it. They all look at me as if I'm crazy.

"So you still got huh?" Liam questions.

"I told you," I smirk back. This goes on through the whole game soon the girls win because of me, the second round Liam and I are on the same team and we win of course and the last round comes up.

"How about we make this intresting?" he asks as I grab a sip of water. I raise my eyebrow at him.

"Like what?" I question him cautiously.

"How about who ever loses the winner can do what ever they want to the other?" he purrs. I nod liking that idea a lot actually.

"Fine you have a deal," I say with a nod. I pick Trudy as my partner because she's a really good player we beat all of the other teams until we're against Liam and his cousin Nick. Liam smirks at me as we serve the ball, soon we're tied 9 to 9 last point makes a win. Liam serves the ball Trudy hits it and I spike the ball making it fly towards the ground, letting Trudy and I have the win. I hi-five her and grab my water.

"Good game," Liam says out of breath. I shrug and pull on my white shirt and pick up Abella.

"Thanks you too," I say with a smile. We go back inside grabbing some desert and listen to the live entertainment when Liam gets up and walks up onto the stage.

"Now everyone here knows my girlfriend Lani, Lani wave, and are daughter Abella," I stand up and silently wave at everyone Abella in my arms. "Well you see she has a beautiful voice, even ask Abella. Am I right Abella?"

"Yup! Momma sings to me everys night!" Abella chirps everyone giggles at Abella's grammer.

"See I have a witness, so I think she should come up here and sing for us," Liam annouces. I look at him in shock and shake my head firecly.

"Is she nodding her head yes?!" Liam says with a smile on his face.

"No!" I mouth.

"I think it's a yes!" he says grabbing me and dragging me to the stage.

"Liam no!" I whisper. He gives me the puppy dog eyes, no fair!

"Fine what song?"

"What song guys?" Liam asks. Abella pipes up in my arms.

"Momma sing Wide Awake! Peaseeee," Abella begs. Liam raises his eyebrows at me.

"Fine I'll do that one," I mumble Liam smiles at me and takes Abella from my arms, I go and grab the mike. Why me? "I'm wide awake

Yeah, I was in the dark

I was falling hard

With an open heart

I'm wide awake

How did I read the stars so wrong

I'm wide awake

And now it's clear to me

That everything you see

Ain't always what it seems

I'm wide awake

Yeah, I was dreaming for so long


I wish I knew then

What I know now

Wouldn't dive in

Wouldn't bow down

Gravity hurts

You made it so sweet

Till I woke up on

On the concrete


Falling from cloud 9

Crashing from the high

I'm letting go tonight

(Yeah I'm) Falling from cloud 9

I'm wide awake" I sing. Once I finish everyone is clapping and cheering I sigh and get off stage with a frown on my face driected towards Liam.

"Aww you did great!" he says with a smile giving me a kiss on the lips.

"Thanks," I mumble my back against his chest Abella in my arms. I sigh in content as I listen to the music, I guess that wasn't so bad after all I mean it could of been worst. After everyone leaves we all go upstairs and go to bed. That night I actually had a good nights sleep for once, maybe that since the people that I care about is here with me.

AN: Hope you enjoyed guys! Vote, Fan, Comment, Add to Library!

Always Been You...Liam (Done but needs to be Editied)Where stories live. Discover now