Bliss of peace!

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Paula's PoV.
Simon opens the door for me and I climb in, exhausted physically and emotionally, he goes to the other side and flips in the car beside me. I didn't want to ask him whether I could stay over as I don't know whether there is anyone waiting for him there. I mean it's all great fun, but we both know that we have been flirting and pecking for years, and both had other people waiting for us back home. I wish there wasn't anyone waiting for him, because it wasn't just a one night stand for me, it wasn't just releasing the sexual tension for me, I don't want to say anything so I don't jinx any chances we may have had at a relationship. Worries flood my brain and I think what it meant for him, whether it meant anything for him at all. It would never work anyway, I mean he hasn't had a girlfriend for more than 3 months, I don't want to be just another name on his long list of the women he shagged. I think whether it would ever work, maybe some years ago, maybe if we were different people. I mean long distance would kill us. I am deep in my thought, staring at the dark night, there is complete silence, nothing is on, no radio. No one is speaking and I don't realise that there is thick air until I snap out of my thoughts by Simon's hand gently touching my knee, I startle a little and look at him, faking a smile. He smiles, before seeing my fading smile.
'Paula...' He begins.
'Simon don't.' I rub his hand and offer him a reassuring smile, I don't know what to say. I don't ever want to voice my thoughts out loud, I am such a bad liar though. If I say what bothers me I am afraid of rejection and if I misunderstood the situation then it will ruin whatever we had over these years.
'Come here.' His voice is full of pleading, I look out of the window not saying another word.
'Please?' He pleads, I still don't turn around.
'I have a seatbelt on.' I say colder than intended, do I play into him or do I ruin it.
'Take it off then.' He snaps, I know he didn't mean to. I am being difficult, he only realised what he had said after I give him a death look, he knows that my best friend died in a car crash.
'I'm sorry, can you at least look at me.' He says softly, I turn to face him, moving my knees in the process, I look at him and he grabs my legs and pulls them up on the seat, in his lap. I gasp.
'Simon!?' I say hushed, looking at the driver.
'Well if you won't come closer to me, I will have to move you to me.' He says, in a serious tone, I search for a teasing tone. He takes my heels off and drops them down next to his feet. He digs his palms in my heels and I feel uncomfortable as the third party is sat at the front. He sees me looking and black screen goes up, it startles me, but I look at him with my mouth slightly parted. He leans down and kisses my foot. An empty giggle is all I can offer, I pull back as he knows I'm ticklish. We stop for a few seconds and I see a gate open, this isn't my house for sure, as the gate wouldn't open without my permission. We pull up near his house and I try to suppress my smile, does that mean he wants me to stay over, he goes out taking my heels with him.
'Simonnnn.' I am not walking bare foot. He laughs and opens my door, I undo my seatbelt, and sit there looking at him.
'You want me to stay over?' I say shyly, I don't know what to think of this, I feel all warm and fuzzy right now but don't want to raise my hopes up, incase it is just a one night stand with some special treatment.
'Why wouldn't I. Ofcourse I do sweetheart.' He pulls me out, I squirm as I don't want to touch the cold concrete. He picks me up bridal style and I giggle. He takes me to his house and opens the door, carrying me in and putting me down on the couch. He moves to shut the door, but my arms are tight around his neck, I refuse to let go. He laughs.
'Paula, I have to shut the door.' He hugs me and tries to move once more but I am still glued to him.
'Paula, babe, I will be right back.' He says laughing, but I don't care. I am needy and too fuzzy to let him go. He tries to move again, but I am having none of it. He ends up picking me up and I wrap my legs around him, I am quite the flexible dancer. He doesn't even have to hold me, I clench onto him as if my life depends on him.
'Paula you are in a needy mood, aren't you, sugar?' He whispers going to the door and locking it.
'I am always needy for your attention.' I whisper kissing his neck. He puts me down on the couch once more. And sits down next to me. I straddle his lap and just sit staring at him.
'What?' He asks, rubbing my back.
'Nothinggg.' I tease and peck him on the lips. He tried slipping his tongue in my mouth but I lean back.
'Is that all I get?.' He makes a puppy face which makes me laugh some more.
'You do like sitting on my lap don't you?' He grabs my butt and pulls me closer to him.
'It's an alright place to sit, you know I can't complain.' I smile saying that.
'You damn right can't complain, because you always end up on my lap, no matter what. Business, auditions, meetings, sex or even now.' Every place he has mentioned brings back a pleasant memory, maybe I do like sitting on his lap. Apart from the last thing. What does even now mean, what are we now, are we together or was it just a bit of fun?
'Are you complaining? Because I can get off right now.' I tease knowing that he will never let me do that. I grind against him and he groans.
'Why would I want to do that?' He pulls me closer to him, and I am hugging him feeling his chest go up and down, as he breathes steady. I lay there like that, for what seems like hours, just enjoying the bliss of peace and comfort he is offering me. I have now shifted from his lap to his side, cuddling up to him, we both sit there in comfortable silence as his hand wanders my scalp, tangling his fingers in my locks. I doze off, sleeping peacefully for the first time in forever, I know in the morning I will have to pinch my self, because I won't have puffy eyes from the salty tears and I won't wake up with a headache, or deep longing. I will hopefully wake up in this mans strong arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2018 ⏰

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