Avi remained silent and still, hands tightly clasped in his lap.

As they stood up at the end of the interview Kevin glanced at his watch.

"Oh man, I gotta get going before the traffic gets even worse." He went over to Avi. "Later bro."

They bumped fists and Mitch saw Avi's gaze follow Kevin's retreating frame. He said goodbye to Kirstie who had plans involving Olaf, and then stood awkwardly for a moment before pulling out his keys and heading for the exit.

"You all set to go now?" Scott asked.

Mitch shook his head. "Actually I think I'll ride along with him." He pointed to Avi who was just going through the door. "See you back at the ranch, okay?"

"Okay, but you better run or you'll miss him."

Mitch called out. "Hey wait for me. Avi!" He ran towards Avi and caught up just as he turned round, looking confused.

"Mitch? Did you forget something? I assumed you were going back with Scott." Avi did not object when Mitch linked his arm, and they walked together towards the car.

"No, no, I'll see him later. It's Team Single all the way. I could really use a coffee though."

They had reached Avi's car, and he stopped by the driver's door. "I don't want to do Starbucks right now, I just want to get home. But I'll take you wherever you want first."

"Coincidentally, I'm going to your place too, isn't that amazing? We can go together." Mitch smiled, tilted his head to one side and patted his friend's arm.

Avi looked thoughtful for a moment. "I'm not sure I'll be much company," he said in a low voice.

"We can just hang, watch a movie maybe. I hope there are some cookies left, because mommy is starving." Mitch tightened his grip and went on stroking Avi's arm. That car was not leaving without him.

Finally Avi smiled, just a little. "I might have one or two."

Mitch waved to Scott as he drove past and then got into the car. "Go, go, go! I hate waiting."

"Your wish is my command."

Avi drove more slowly than he usually would. Mitch put the radio on and sang with his favourite song, but Avi did not join in. Eventually Mitch pulled out his phone, and while scrolling he sneaked glances at Avi's profile. He seemed to be carved from stone, not a hair out of place, his head held rigidly and eyes trained on the car in front.

Mitch wondered whether to say something, but Avi was giving no clues, more guarded than he had been for a long time. Mitch found this more upsetting than expected. Once they were back at the apartment he would figure it out.

He had never forgotten how Avi had offered support when he was upset over a stupid boy that time. Mitch knew that for all his well-known sensitivity, Avi was inclined to keep his deepest feelings to himself. He wasn't certain that Avi would confide in him, but he wanted to give him the chance. He thought about how to approach him while scrolling, seeing nothing.

At last they arrived and went inside. Mitch tossed his bag onto the couch and watched Avi hang up his coat.

"So, coffee and cookies. You promised me and I'm faint with hunger." Mitch sat down and looked up at Avi.

"Yeah, okay, I'll get some."

"I'm sure you will, sweetie." Mitch smiled but Avi turned and went to the kitchen without replying.

Looking around, Mitch noted the slight untidiness with scattered mugs and plates on the floor and the blinds half open. Papers covered with Avi's untidy scrawl littered the coffee table. For some reason he couldn't quite place, Mitch was uncomfortable with this, and as the coffee was taking a while he got up and opened the blinds. He stacked the papers neatly, picked up the pen lying nearby and placed it on top. Then he sorted through the DVD box, picking out a few he thought he could bear to watch. There was no sign of Avi and Mitch sat, but soon got up again.

Lean on Me - Mavi (COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora