Ryunosuke Tsunashi

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"Could this day be any worse?"you think to yourself sighing. your exam results had just been announced and it had put you in depression.To add to your woes you were lost!you turn around the corner and bump into a man with brown hair and hazel yellow eyes ,you fall down and the  man's glasses fall down."I am so sorry!are you alright??"he asks taking a step forward towards you and offering you a hand. CRACK  a sound is heard the brunette had stepped on his own glasses. Both of you sat together in a nearby park he had insisted on buying you a drink as an apology "My name is Ryunosuke Tsunashi, nice to meet, you cancall me Ryuu??" he says a light blush appearing on his face"Sure!"You reply.Then you sip your drink and sigh once again "Is something the matter?" he asks you a worried expression on his face "No, its just that I was depressed because I got low marks in English and lost my way"you tell him. "Hmm..Maybe I can help you"Ryuu says with a twinkle in his eye.The part of the garden you are sitting on does not have many people.He looks around and to your surprise he gets up and begins to dance!! you watch enchanted. Suddenly a girl comes by and screams on  looking Ryuu"Isn't that Ryunosuke Tsunashi of Trigger!!" he abruptly stops dancing and puts his jacket hood motioning you to do the same and grabs your hand.He pulls you and starts running.Finally you come to a stop gasping for breath"Sorry,I dragged you in a mess"Ryuu apologizes "Huff..Nah...its..puff...fine" you say waving your hand dismissively.You note that Ryuu isn't at all breathless, whereas you as gasping for air.You take a mental note of this.Looking around you realize you have gotten yourself in an even more hopeless state"what's up?"he asks noticing your discomfort "I have to go to a place called Yaotome Productions for a job but I don't think I can reach there today with my navigation skills" You explain."Really!?! I work at the same place!!"Your friend exclaims.You gladly let your workmate enthusiastically lead you to your new job.

"There he is!!" calls out a white haired man looking at you entering with you "You are late!! how long does it take"Begins the white completely ignoring the fact that you are beside Ryuu, finally he stops mid way and notices you.Surveying both of you curiously he asks "Wait... don't tell me you got involved in a scandal!!!"He screams looking at both of you holding hands.You blush lightly realizing Ryuu had never let your hand go.He too blushes, a lot more than you."N-no.. she is an employ I was just showing her the way" he says stuttering and lets your hand go.How cute you think ,but at the same time there is a feeling at the back of your mind which you don't want to acknowledge - sadness.Whats with all this rucks?" asks another white haired man coming into the scene"Tenn!"Ryo exclaims"Ah... you finally got a girlfriend,congrats"He says after stealing a glance at you. Your friend blushes even more at this comment"Seriously both of you!!!"He says exasperatedly

You then learn about Trigger and its members all through the evening,you notice that all of them have one point in a common which brings them together - singing and dancing .It was very overwhelming for you especially since this was your first job but Ryuu is always looking out for you and helping you so thankfully you are able to stabilize yourself.In the evening you find the worries of your day coming back that test! you sigh brooding over the subject.Ryuu enters the room,seeing you dull ,he asks you kindly "Is something wrong?"  you shake your head explaining him the  reason of your sadness.A broad smile spreads across his face "Wait a minute" saying that he exits the room

A broad smile spreads across his face "Wait a minute" saying that he exits the room

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Our Secret Night (Reader x Trigger)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang