Yaotome Gaku

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You sigh as you walk back home from school , today your grades were told and unfortunately you dint get the marks you had hoped to get.You put your head phones and decide to get lost in the world of music.You start singing a tune you composed yourself you don't notice when a couple of people passing by stop and to listen to you, you don't notice a slightly suspicious individual who is wearing sun glasses getting enchanted by you, there is only one thing in your mind music.After a while when stop thunderous clapping brings you back, embarrassed you bow down  quickly and exit to the alley leading to your house. You realize that the man who was wearing sunglasses and listening to your sing before had now followed you into the alley.Take a deep breath you instruct yourself and in a slightly scared voice ask the man "Excuse me...Do you want something from me?" He removes his sunglasses reveling his sliver cat like eyes which match his white hair giving a slightly dignified look "That song was amazing" he says "Thank you" you reply happily wondering if he had come to say just that "Could you compose a song for me? " He asked with a bit of hesitation. Your jaws drop open in surprise,you look around to see if he might be talking to someone else ,there is no one else in sight "You want me to compose a song for you..?" you ask with a blank face. A small smile appears on his face "Of course , Your song moved my heart it was really something else.." he says. Your eyes sparkle "Sure!" you reply

That said even though you agreed it had completely slipped your mind that you needed to go through a formal procedure for this and that this man must have a reason to ask this.Your eyes nearly pop out of your head when he leads you to a big building. This is the company I work for Yaotome Production and he is our president  Yaotome Souske .He introduces you to a man with a intimidating aura."Who is she ? what are you playing at Gaku?" He asks curtly "She is the one who will be composing a song for us" Gaku replies calmly  "This girl?"He asks clearly looking down on me "Has she passed any exams related to music? Is her name well known? Think rationally  " he says coldly. I felt angry how did he dare to judge music based on recognition "I don't mean to be rude but what you just said is completely unacceptable anyone can create good music , connects or recognition has no relation to it . If you don't even understand that much  you have no right to be in a profession which includes music " you say confidently and clearly despite busting with anger "oh..  So you a mere child will teach me how to run a business" He said the tone in which this was said makes you tremble with both fear and anger at being powerless. A hand gently pulls you back "Before you say that give me a song better than hers"Gaku says "Fine you really are rebellious,I'll give you both a weeks time no more , get me a song better than our current one.Now if you will excuse me l have work to attend to" He says after clicking his tongue.

Afterwards you feel slightly guilty for picking a fight with the president not because you think he is right , but as it must have been inconvenient for Gaku. you hang your head slightly and apologize "I am sorry.." Gaku at first is surprised but then he smiles gently and pats your head saying "You did nothing wrong ,what you said is completely true but be careful okay? " you enter a lobby like room and see another man with white hair sitting and reading a book he looks up on hearing you both enter and asks "Who is she?" "Our new composer" Gaku replys "Oh.. Nice to meet you My name is Kujo Tenn" he says stretching his hands towards you. You shake his hand. A brown haired man enters saying "Hi ,Gaku your late... Who is this?" you introduce your self and he does the same "I am Ryonosuke Tunashi" he says with a smile. You feel a bit nervous at first but everyone is kind to you and you soon feel at ease.For some reason you are interested in is Gaku despite having a cold demure, he is very caring and whenever he smiles his soft smile at you, your heart skips a beat.You get along well with tenn since you both have some interests in common. While you both  read a story talking about its plot in depth  you realize something. "Ow! why did you suddenly drop the book ?"Tenn asks "I can't believe I forgot.." You mumble to your self  "Hmm... what did you forget? "asks Gaku sitting on the table  between you and tenn "I forgot to call my mother ,she will be worried!" you exclaim "Don't worry , I have informed your parents and told them you would be staying here for sometime you can explain the situation firsthand to them when we go to bring your essentials" He says reassuringly. 'WE' you notice him saying you can't help but notice such a small and insignificant detail and grin like an idiot.

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