Kujo Tenn

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Note to readers,

Hello Everyone!! Nai here,First of all thanks a lot to anyone reading this.It is my first time creating a story so I hope you like it ,I'll be grateful for any suggestions or requests.Now lets dive into the world of fantasy 


  You step into the huge building of Yaotome productions, what to do now? while you are wondering what to do  a white haired man approaches you and asks you "Who are you?what are you doing here?" It was said in a manner that made you feel as if your being accused for entering,a brown haired man follows him "Tenn!Choose your words carefully.I apologize for my friends rudeness,I am Ryonosuke Tsunashi "another white haired man joins both of them and asks "But the brat has a point ,its unusual for someone except staff to come here, are you perhaps a fan?"Before you can reply to any one of them the president - Souske Yaotome interrupts "She is a composer,she is going to write a new song for you guys." There is a tense sort of atmosphere in the room after he states it especially  from the white haired man who is glaring at the president fiercely."Ok ,I take that she will be here for sometime, should I take her into the meeting room?" "Do whatever you like she said that she would like to see your image in order  to create a song suitable for you" He replies.

You breath a sigh of relief when he exits the room , that man really scares me you think to yourself.Others are looking at you curiously and wondering what to do "We are about to practice now ,how about you come and see it?"asked Ryonosuke "sure!"you reply thinking that it would nice to see their dance style.All of you head to the practice room they swiftly and efficiently present their dance at the end you can't help but to stand and clap."That was amazing !!" you say with excitement  "Thanks" Tenn says and smiles for the first time.Your heart beat escalates, then  you hear the other white haired man called Gaku saying "Its rare for you to smile like this brat" you blush a bit fortunately no one notices.

The day whizzed past you as you get to know  about trigger's members, despite their business like attitude you see that all of them have a unspoken bond between them.Finally night falls you are to sleep in the spare room in their dorm. Time slowly ticks by and you aren't able to sleep. I'll go get myself some coffee you think to yourself  and go into the terrace to drink it. There you are welcomed by a cold breeze and the beautiful view of stars in the sky "Beautiful!" you say out loud   "Isn't it?" asks a voice beside you startling you "Tenn!" you exclaim his room seemed to be right beside yours "Want to see a better view ?"he asks motioning you to come out. Excited you nod and go in the corridor to join Tenn. Both of you enter the elevator and  go to the topmost floor.There is a bridge like passage  connecting it to another building you follow Tenn and see the most breath taking sight

There is a bridge like passage  connecting it to another building you follow Tenn and see the most breath taking sight

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 At this moment for some reason your filled with immeasurable happiness "Thanks Tenn" you say with a smile. He is surprised to see you smile he lens on the railing beside you and says "Really?I am glad" with a gentle smile.For sometime both of you don't say anything just enjoy the view then slowly your hands come closer you start to feel nervous and a slight red blush creeps on your cheeks.Finally your hands entwine both of you steady look at the scenery, inside your heart is pounding so hard that you feel as if the whole world could listen.You gather courage and lean on his arms ,resting your head on his shoulder. Suddenly without a warning Tenn turns and kisses you on the lips.In the twilight your heart is stolen by Kujo Tenn."Hey, tell me a bit about yourself" Tenn asks suddenly"What should I tell?There is nothing special about me"you reply "hmm... how did you end up coming here?"he asks after thinking a bit "I am from an ordinary family.Like you express your feelings by dancing and singing I do the same just by putting them into words one day while i was composing a song and singing it your president approached me,I hope you don't take offense but he seems evil, I didn't want to do it at first but I ended up being tempted to his offer" you stayed silent for a moment  and whisper "Tenn I am glad I got to know you -the real you" "Me too"he replies squeezing your hand you are reassured by the warmth of his hand"but...."He begins but you put a finger on his lips and say "I know Tenn, you love dancing,your an Idol.I can't be selfish and take you all for myself, can I? " Tenn's eyes widen when he hears you say this,he pats your head and says"Do you know whenever I am on the stage I get the energy to sing from all my fans and that includes you too.Though you are a bit more special." Tears slowly fall from your eyes "Tenn... I will be going to America for a music scholarship after this ,the reason I choose this job was because  president offered to pay my fees...I'll put all my feelings for you and trigger in the song I will make." Tears wont stop falling from your eyes still you smile,you wipe a few tears but more keep coming.Tenn is shocked .You turn to go but suddenly a pair of hands envelope you from behind"I Love you ****"He whispers in your ears,  your tears blur your vision. Tenn had called your name for the first time. "Me too, I love you Tenn, I'll be waiting for you"you turn and say returning his hug, in that brief moment before you hug him back you see Tenn's sad yet gentle expression.After that you both just silently hug each other for a long time and then returned to your own rooms instead of sleeping you put your feelings into a song,you don't realize the time. The world of music grabs you in.

"She sure is late,should I call her?" Ryonosuke asks.The members of trigger have just finished breakfast yet you have not appeared "Yeah, the new song isn't even ready yet ,what is she doing sleeping for so long"replies Gaku ,Tenn says nothing he seems to be lost in deep thought.Just as Ryonosuke gets up from his chair you come running. Your hair is a mess and your still in your pajamas but you don't care "The song is ready!!" you announce holding the CD in your hand "huh..?Wait a bit why are your eyes so red have you been crying"asks Ryonosuke "Ah..it must be because I stayed up the whole night to finish it."you reply "You stayed up the whole night!! are you crazy?" Asks Gaku surprised Tenn bursts out laughing surprising everyone even more "Its good that you completed the song but you really should take care of your health and I know that you are excited but please dress yourself properly "he says. You turn red as a tomato all over and run away saying that you will meet them up in the recording room.After you leave the three study each others faces and burst out laughing at you reaction.Later all of you gather in the "what is the name of this CD?" Trigger's manager Kaoru asks you "Secret night" you reply with a smile and play the music.


Magic just like the twinkling lights–
I had a premonition, Ready
In the instant we passed each other
I fell in love, It's a secret night

Your face is cold and indifferent– No thanks
That's why I want to see you smile
High-tension, just like we're messing around–
Little by little I get closer
I'm glad to meet you

Tell me, what is your "truth?"
If your heart, hidden away, [8+10] is Your lie–
Then shall I steal it away?

Let's go, Wake me up! (From this)
unending dream, together (No matter where we go)
As the two of us sway (in the Twilight)
I just fall in you
I just fall in you

Dancing to the beat of the music
I get lost in your eyes
An Acid love, escalating
I sigh into your ear...

(Romaji and kanji  are available in http://idolish7.wikia.com/wiki/SECRET_NIGHT#English  )

The music comes to an end ,your fingers are crossed, do they like it?"It is amazing" Ryonosuke says "Really,I didn't think you'd make such a good song" Gaku adds "It is really good,I love it!" Tenn says.You feel as if you could fall from relief they liked it!!After everything is set and your about to leave Tenn comes running calls out to you"Come watch the live. I'll give my reply there "he says panting "Yeah!" you reply.

You miserably put your head on the table in front of which your laptop lies "What happened?"asks kaoru seeing you so miserable "I want to go to Trigger's Live but all tickets are sold out what do I do?"you say "Hmm...Since you made such a good song I'll give you the tickets I saved for my friends but cheer a lot for them in return"says Kaoru "Thank you Kaoru san!!" you say jumping up and down.Finally the day arrives, you are wearing a Trigger shirt with Tenn's glow stick in your hand waiting for the live to begin suddenly you get a call from kaouru "Is Tenn with you?"he asks "Huh..? No why what happened?" then you learn that Tenn had collapsed from overworking but now was missing .God please let Tenn be safe ,you silently pray then the live starts.

(This is the nearest match I could find. If you want the actual music video which I personally recommend for you to see ,go at https://ww5.gogoanime.io/idolish7-episode-4  it starts at 17:11 and ends at 19:00)

The live comes to an end it was an amazing experience you felt as if the lyrics you wrote came to life."Bye!bye!"triggers members call out

suddenly Tenn and your eyes meet despite tenn's strict rule of not merging live and business

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suddenly Tenn and your eyes meet despite tenn's strict rule of not merging live and business.He waves at you and smiles,as if to say "Since you are my girlfriend I'll make an exception for you"  you blush and wave back "I will be waiting for you Tenn"

Our Secret Night (Reader x Trigger)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt