"Mary!" Addis yells, scaring me as he jumps up.

He looked down, placing his hand on his chest to calm down.

"Hey Addis. You know I'm right here right?" I giggle.

He looks up smiling, breathing heavily at a sight of relief. "I'm sorry babe.. I just got a little ahead of myself there."

I laugh, "'babe'? "

He chuckles, "oh come on Mary, you are mine got that?"

I stopped laughing when he stood up, leaning towards me.

"I love you Addison! Oh I love you too Mary!" Addis chuckles. I giggle at his girl impression and gave him a peck.

"Nah I don't say Addison.. I say Addis," I smile, as I hug him tightly.

"It's gonna take some time to getting used to, okay honey?" The nurse asked.

I nodded, struggling to stand up. Ow.. it feels like someone stabbing me a bunch of times!

"Can I just sit down for now ma'am?" I asked her.

"Ofcourse! Go ahead and rest, I'll be back with your lunch." The nurse waited for my respond and exit out.

My leg.. why did that Trixy girl do that to me when she already knew in her eyes that I don't like Jay. Jay was a jerk to me..he has never changed a bit.

"Knock,knock!" I heard a familiar voice say.

"Oh hey what's up?" I asked Katy, trying to stand up but quickly catch my balance.

"Omg! Mary sit down! Your gonna hurt your leg!" Katy quickly ran up to me and catch me.

"It's okay Katy, the nurse said I can walk but I will have to get used to it." I smile as I sit down.

"Girl please, you still need some rest. So how are you doing?" Katy asked.

"I'm doing fine, the only thing that I'm not doing well is collage." I fake a smile.

"Oh come on! Everyone's going to UTSA, even me." Katy pushes away her hair.

"Yeah but what about Addis?" I asked.

"Just ask him." Katy simply said.

"Do I text him?" For a second I didn't realize Katy was looking behind me.

"Well I gotta get going, you guys have fun!" Katy happily left the room. Leaving me and Addis alone.

"Finally up Mary?" Addis asked giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Yeah, the nurse said I can finally start walking but I will have to get used to the struggling part." I said.

How should I ask him?

"That's great Mary! If you want I can always carry you." Addis winked.

I blushed and turn away. "Nah I'll be alright."

For a long minute Addis and I have been staring at each other.

"So... Addis.."I suddenly say.

"Collage?" Addis asked.

"How did you--"

"I'd thought you might ask." Addis smiled.

"Well to answer your question I'm going to UTSA.. and when you were here we took a test already." He chuckled.

I gave myself a face palm, "oh god.. was it hard?"

"Nah, do you get A's?" Addis asked.

I nodd "Then yeah!

I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!

"Hey there Miss Mary.. where were you honey?" Ms, Lutches asked.

"Sorry i had to stay in the nurses office for a bit.." i looked down, walking towards my seat.

I spot Addis staring at me like he was expecting me to say hi. "You look adorable." Addis winked.

I giggle and blow him a kiss to go away. He pretend to catch it by leaning back but accidentally lost his balance and fell on the floor.

Everyone laughed, including me.

"Oh my goodness! Addison are you okay?" Ms, Lutches asked, giving him a hand.

I gave him a funny look as he sits back down chuckling to himself, "Sorry Ma'am It was an accident."

Ms, Lutches gave him a smile and went back to teaching. "Loser." I whisper.

He looks at me and pulls his tongue out.

Just A Boy (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now