Chapter 1

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$Alejandra POV$
I woke up in the hotel room with my annoying brother yelling in my ear."GET UP WE HAVE TO GO"! "Cállate ya pendejo"i said."DAD SHE CALLED ME STUPID AGAIN" Matteo yelled."Alexa what have I told you about calling your brother names?"my dad asked."Not to say it to his face oh and not to say it to his face because we kinda look alike" I laughed." Kinda so don't call him names"he said as he walked away.I got up and went to the suit case got a outfit.Today is the day we are officially going to L.A and I'm not going to lie I'm fucken nervous.Like I know nobody at all so who am I going to be with over there. Anyway I ran to the bathroom and got all ready in a comfy outfit."Okay ya estoy lista" i yelled.'Alright let's get to the airport"my dad said.We walked out with our suitcases and we were on our way.
$At The Airport $
So we checked in and we were now looking for our gate to see if there is a food place by it so we can go at eat.We found our gate and got some McDonald's. Now we are just at the gate waiting for us to be able to go on and bord.

***$ My message***
Okay so I know crappy first chapter but I'm going to try and make it longer next time.Also in the next chapter is when they have been in L.A for a week and they are now good there.


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