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my heart isn't broken
just recovering from the poison
it has tasted,
my lips are no longer numbed,
i can speak now
i can let the screams out,
i feel you leaking
out of me slowly
in the form of memories
that don't really matter anymore,
for once i don't wish
for you to stay,
i let you evaporate;
i admit, bringing up the debris
and forcing the word "toxic"
out of my mouth when
asked for a simple explanation
still bites my tongue,
which is to say that it
burns in my mouth,
but this poet has learned
how to bite back, how to burst
into flames mightier
than any pain,
when i left you, i used
the flame we had
stopped feeding sparks to,
i held it, let it burn me
which is to say i'm on my way
to forgiving myself
for being so ignorant;
ever since, i placed
your souvenirs in a bag
and hung them,
and no tears flowed.

- letting go

- crimsyy

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