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not drinking alcohol
won't suffice to deem you
so called "good person"
when you're just as
poisonous and dillusional as it.
i am tired of being
guilt tripped into staying because look what a good person you are, no.
you would never water a flower, rather you'd
pluck it and swear that
you love it as it withers
in your hand.
you would never
face yourself,
never tell me what i'd
need to know,
why you swallow your medicine,
what it does to you,
who you are without it.
i told you i'd disown you
if you ever went bald,
so you went ahead and
did the exact opposite,
excessive hair
you don't know how to
show you care
you wouldn't cross a
bridge with me,
wouldn't take a risk for me because of how much it
would cost you,
while i'm being smothered
by flames and doubts,
saturated in evidence that
tells me to go, go, go
go and save yourself
you go and make sure you
save yourself without
looking back,
you go and think of yourself
drag me out of the places
i call home,
drag me out of your arms,
drag me out, because
my bags are packed;
it's only a matter of time
before i finally leave.

- you're too much about money and not enough about anything else

- crimsyy

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