Sakura and Naruto posed while Sasuke pulled out a sign that said 'He fell for it!" and they all smiled. But he figured it out again and they panicked and ditched the idea, "Come on, you guys are up to something, right?" they panicked more with each accusation. "WHA-WHA-WHAT ARE YOU, CRAZY!?" Sakura stuttered that he had just gotten out of the hospital and he should eat.

While Sasuke smirked. When Kakashi-sensei's bowl was in front of him the others gawked at him out the corners of their eyes, just watching to see what he really looked like, Mito having finished five bowels left them under her brother's tab, because he's done it to her before. Kissing the top of Sasuke's head she told him she'd see him later and went off.


Later on in the afternoon, Kakashi-sensei met up with Mito to help her with learning how to adjust with one eye, he had just gone shopping and she was holding some of his bags while they walked to his place before going to a training field to train. Stopping near a bookstore, Mito had to jump for Kakashi's bag to keep it from falling over. 

She rolled her eye at him as he hugged and kissed the glass for a  look at a new book in the series he was reading. Mito sensing the others watching them, she looked right at them. But she also noticed the movie notice for his book too, "Hey, Sensei, look at that." she said nodding towards the billboard. 

"My favorite book is going to be made into a movie! I better order tickets in advance!" he cheered and then ran off, leaving Mito to chase after him with all his stuff in her arms. "Sensei! Wait up!" Turning the corner, they vanished and when Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto showed up they reappeared behind them.

"Hey," He said and they all shouted in surprise, as they were startled by their Sensei and team captain. "What are you three doing? Do you guys need us for something?" Kakashi-sensei asked as they shook with nerves. Shaking their heads and making rattling noises, "No not really." he wasn't convinced but didn't argue. 


The next day Mito was literally walking around with Kakashi-sensei on a leash. She was listening to music to avoid hearing him read his book out loud and the leash was to keep him from walking into anything, avoiding several posts and three buildings they both knew Naruto was following them, 

So Mito thought it would be funny to screw with him and used her Flying Raijin to move to a different area. 


The next day was rainy but Kakashi wanted to visit the KIA stone, they had left hours earlier but left behind scarecrow doubles to distract Sakura, and so when Mito saw Kakashi-sensei sneeze because of the rain she made him go home for a hot shower, while she made him a home cooked meal before going home herself to make something for her and Sasuke,

Then an extra meal to take to Naruto for the night and the morning after. 


The day after was Sasuke's turn, Kakashi-sensei and Mito had real fun with him, Kakashi-sensei was too into his book to even notice what Mito was wearing and she could sware it was a good thing because it kept Sasuke's focus on her instead of their teacher, she wore a short tea-cup shaped kimono with the regular long wide sleeves, in her jump-suit colours. 

The skirt was so fluffy and shaped it let her butt poke out the bottom, and the collar was a bit snug so Mito had to let it naturally reveal a bit of sensible cleavage

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The skirt was so fluffy and shaped it let her butt poke out the bottom, and the collar was a bit snug so Mito had to let it naturally reveal a bit of sensible cleavage. When he couldn't take any more he left and Mito transformed back into her regular clothing. 


The next day Team 7 had a mission helping out on a farm, Mito was glad because she wanted to work on her senses, because her sight was half-ed her other senses kicked in even stronger to balance her out. Mito having started to follow Kakashi-sensei the others followed after her, Sasuke wrapped an arm around her shoulders as they walked.

Sensing someone watching, Mito looked up at the trees and saw three guys standing in the shadows of the trees. They weren't very good at hiding as they spoke about something that happened three years ago, but when Kakashi-sensei didn't do anything about it so she didn't say anything.


Not getting to the small village yet, Team 7 checked into an inn for the night. The owner was very chipper and eager, which scared Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura a bit. Going inside they were treated to a huge dinner after traveling and everyone was eager to eat, but Mito wanted to bathe first.

So she left them to eat, pulling out her hair from its ponytail and shook out her hair, it swished and waved down to her thighs, in long thick waves. The three ninjas who were spying on them, were a bit distracted by her but when she was gone they looked back to the three leftover Genin and Kakashi-sensei.


Twenty minutes into her bath, Sakura joined in. "Hey, Mito-chan." Sakura greeted sadly, "What's wrong? Upset you can't see Kakashi-sensei's face?" Sakura nodded and Mito chuckled making her bigger breasts bounce in the water, "Man, Mito what do you eat, your chest is huge." Mito was curious as to why Sakura would bring this up now.

"I just eat healthily, and it's probably in my DNA," Sakura looked even sadder, "I think I saw a hole into the men's side of the bathroom on that wall if you still wanna look." Mito said pointing her finger at the back wall. While Sakura giggled and rushed to the wall, Mito got up and left, her towel tight to her body and her hair up out of the way.

She was at her basket in the main room when Sasuke and Naruto stumbled out of their side of the hot spring. "Didn't work, did it?" she asked and they groaned and their heads dropped in depression. Rolling her eye she went over to them and kissed Sasuke on the cheek and Naruto on the head.


The next morning they were off again. Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura looked beat and tired while Mito and Kakashi-sensei were refreshed and ready to go. After getting their tasks they were dismissed and Mito went off she did her tasks while her senses were keeping a mental eye out for Sasuke and the others. 

She was near one of the horse pens when the three ninjas finally attacked. Though it was only after Naruto and the others jumped out in saggy but matching outfits. Telling the owner she was going to borrow a horse, he didn't mind and she rode on a horse with a long lasso of rope caught in her hand. 

She arrived after they saw Kakashi-sensei tie up Naruto and the others, "I was just wondering how long you fellas were going to hide for, you finally decided to show yourselves." Backing up to run away, Mito rode in and Lasso-ed them and caught them all in one swing. Tightening the rope it slipped to their ankles and Mito knocked them over by pulling the rope.

Backing the horse up to a nearby tree she had them hanging upside down from the branch. As they swung Mito directed the horse back over to the others, "Why are you guys dressed like that?" Kakashi-sensei asked, Naruto nearly had a heart attack and Sakura took too long to think of something, 

"I had felt them following us since the village and we all figured it would be best to draw them out that's why those three are in the suits." Kakashi-sensei nodded pleased while the three swinging Ninjas screamed in confusion as to why their techniques didn't work. Anyway, ignoring them and their bellyaching, 

The fourGenins got back to work and Kakashi-sensei took the rest of the day off to read his book. 


At the end of the day and on their way home, Naruto stopped everyone by getting their Sensei's attention, "Hey Kakashi-sensei," pulling his book down he looked at Naruto, "Yeah?" "What are you hiding under that mask?" Kakashi-sensei's visible eyebrow furrowed, "You want to know what's behind my mask?"

Kakashi-sensei asked curiously, "Yeah." Naruto answered, "You should have just said so in the first place." he said and Sakura smiled, "So does that mean you'll show us?" when he agrees they all smiled to each other, then squash in together to get a closer look, Mito stood off to the side watching with a knowing smile, 

"You guys really want to know..." they nodded, "Alright, behind this mask..." Kakashi-sensei said drawing it out to really get to them, then he pulled it down, "Is another mask! Pretty cool, huh?" falling to the ground in defeat, Mito and Kakashi-sensei shared a laugh while they complained about the crappy ending. 

Mito Uzumaki - Naruto's twin sister. [Sasuke Uchiha Love Story]{Complete}Where stories live. Discover now