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     The bell filled the hallways and classrooms of the school. It was almost as if it was mocking the students. Like it was laughing because it was time for them to start the school day. Laughing because they'd be there for another exhausting 6 hours. At least, that's how the four new student's felt while they nervously stood in front of the classroom. They were too nervous to open the door. Their hearts raced and their minds could only be filled with the worst of thoughts. 

     "S-someone open the door" stuttered the short, black haired boy.

     "Why don't you do it?" snapped the slightly taller blonde. 

     "I-I c-c-can't move" he stuttered. 

      The brown haired boy sighed and gripped the knob with his shaking hand. He very, very, slowly twisted the peace of silver and hesitantly opened the door. The teacher looked over at them and smiled brightly.

     "Ah! You must be the new students!" she beamed. 

     The four boys slowly slipped into the room with nervous expressions.

      "Why don't you introduced yourselves?" She smiled.

     "I-I'm K-Kim Hanbin" stuttered the dirty blonde in the over-sized yellow sweater.

      "I'm-uhm-K-Kim Donghyuk" stuttered the brown haired boy in the grey sweater.

     "I'm K-Kim Jin-hw-hwan" stammered the short black haired boy  in the blue sweater.

     The boys went quite after that making everyone look at the forth boy.

     "Who is this?" The teacher asked pointing at him.

     "Oh-right- that's-uhm- Song Y-Yunhyeong" Jinhwan introduced "He's... mute"

      The boy was short with bleach blonde curly hair and wore a black sweater. The teacher gave him a slightly sympathetic glance. ((They're all wearing the same sweater but in different colors))

     "I see..." she muttered "Why don't you boys have a seat?" 

      ((He isn't actually mute but he only talks to Jinhwan, Donghyuk and Hanbiun when they're alone)) 

     The boys nodded and shuffled towards the back of the room, sitting beside each other. The teacher smiled and began the lesson. The four boys listened closely, diligently taking notes. People kept looking back at them. A few people scoffed at their nerdy appearance and others cooed at how small they were. It was very distracting. A small bald up note landed on Jinhwan's desk. Jinhwan's eyes flickered up to the teacher, making sure her back was turned to them. He then unfolded the note with the other three peering over his shoulder in curiosity.

     The not read 'Come sit with us at lunch!' with little doodles scattered about the other spaces. The boys' eyes scanned the room for the possible owner of the note. They reached three boys who were looking at them intently. Their was a boy with black hair and thin-rimmed, circular glasses dressed in a red sweater and black jeans who held up a peace-sign once they made eye-contact. Beside him was a boy with dark brown hair, wearing a light pink sweater who just smiled shyly. The last was a boy with curly blonde hair, wearing a large white sweater who waved happily at them. Hanbin gave them a thumbs-up making their smiles grow even wider. Both groups then returned their undivided attention to the teacher after that. 


     The bell rang for lunch making the four new students sigh in relief. They left the classroom after the stampede of students squeezed through the narrow door way. The hallway was loud with students' constant chatter and laughter. The four friends held each others hands in order not to loose each other in the ocean people they had gotten lost in. The boy from their first period class ran toward them. He was the boy with black hair. 

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