2. To Appease the Monster Under the Bed

Start from the beginning

Oh. Poor Grace looked grim. She hated to watch people among the team fighting. She had such a fragile soul.

"Thank you, Cassandra," Damon nodded his head in his typically gentleman way. He might've been the less attractive of the Steel twins, but he was certainly more charming.

"So," I started shakily, getting out of bed and sliding into a pair of jeans and a hoodie, "What exactly happened?"

Allan sighed, "I screwed up. Bad."

Josiah quirked an eyebrow suspiciously, "Did you steal the crystal?"

"No, don't be ridiculous," Allan grumbled.

Yeah, you dirty rotten scoundrel, don't be ridiculous.

My mental eyes were rolling like bicycle wheels.

"I came back early last night," Allan explained dejectedly, "There was someone in here and I chased them off. I didn't think they actually took anything, but Griffin woke up this morning and his crystal was gone."

"Wow," I murmured.


I wasn't even sure who I was calling an idiot. Me or Allan.

Probably both.

You are the one that stole from the actual monster under the bed, after all.

Stupid genetics giving me stupid powers and turning me into a stupid monster that I couldn't control without a stupid crystal only the stupid Army of Night could give me. I could've been living a normal life, relaxing in a hammock reading a book with no problems beyond a chipped nail.

But no. I had to work with a secret organization for the rest of my life and live in secret bases and scare people out of houses to protect expensive things for politicians.  And I had to be sucked into a vicious battle between two powerful, intimidating, attractive guys that have about the charm of a dead lizard when put together.

Life was unfair.

"I'm going to have a chat with Aiden," Damon decided, "He probably has something to do with this. Only God knows what lengths he could be going to after not getting into the troop last month."

Eva brushed her hair swiftly with one hand and wiped powder on her face with the other, "I'll come with you if you give me a minute."

Damon smiled warmly, "Of course."

"Thank you," she dropped the brush back on her bed and stepped daintily into her knee-high, black stiletto boots.

How she could walk in those so comfortably was beyond me.

Damon opened the door to find Cassie strolling back in with all the nonchalance of a clown in the circus. She had a small smile on her face and distinctly lacked a particular, angry, dark-haired person-ish creature following her.

"Back so soon?" Eva questioned.

"He didn't need me anymore," Cassie shrugged, pushing past her and Damon and falling back on her bed tiredly.

"What does that mean?" Josiah chewed on his lip nervously. For someone that could turn into the actual boogeyman, he was awfully meek.

Cassie gave him a look and he released his lip, "Griff wasn't angry anymore when I left him. In fact, he was quite happy."


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2018 ⏰

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