Male!Annie x reader

Start from the beginning

"I'm gonna kill them.." Hanji was always trying to get her ships together, and when she wasn't, she was rambling on about it titans.

"That's just Hanji. Tell him how you feel, you don't have to make it public right away." Levi put his hand on my back to comfort me

"I gave him a note saying to meet me on the roof later, don't know if he will turn up though." I put my head in my hands.

"I'm sure he will."

Time skip brought to you by Erwin's eyebrows

I sat on the roof, waiting for Andrew. I heard footsteps behind me, growing closer. Andrew sat beside me. We sat in silence for a moment.

"Andy, there's something I want to tell you." I used his nickname, not knowing how he would react. He looked at me, the stars reflecting in his eyes.

"I love you, Andrew, I always have."

Suddenly, he pulled me into his lap, smashing his lips onto mine.

We went back to his room.

One can only guess at this point. (Request if you'd like a smut of this)

Time skip brought to you by Sasha's potato's

In the morning, I was barely able to walk. I kissed Andy and slipped my uniform on. I threw on the 3DMG as today was our expedition.

Andy put his uniform on, but not his gear yet.

We walked to the mess hall after getting ready. I sat with Levi. For the first time, I saw him smile. That was one of the few times I saw Levi smile.

"So... How'd it go?" He asked curiously.

"Fine." I replied back, taking a sip of my tea.

"Are you sure? Did he hurt you?" He asked sarcastically, pointing to a hickey.

"Oh my. Its just a mosquito bite.." I covered it up.

"So, he's secretly a mosquito now?" He smirked and pointed at Andrew. I sighed, trying to ignore Levi. Andrew looked confused.

"Hey Andy." I smiled, trying to hide what went on last night.

"Hi mosquito." Levi chuckled and nudged me.

Andy's POV

I threw my gear and cloak on. I went to the stables to grab my horse. (Y/N) was already near the wall. I prayed she would be okay. She's one of the strongest soldiers so I'm sure she will be.

I hopped onto the horse and made my way to the wall. Not even 10 minutes later, I found myself riding outside the walls.

I saw a flare, indicating a Titan was spotted. (Y/N) was leading my squad so I'm pretty lucky.

As a Titan came into view, she quickly sprung off her horse, knocking the titan the ground in a matter of seconds.

She stopped using gas and got onto the horse again. As she checked the tank before continuing the mission.

Time skip

Half of the squad was gone. Lying on the ground or in a titans stomach. (Y/N) ignored us yelling at her to kill the titans following us. Finally, after what felt like forever, she answered.

"No, keep going straight. We're going to loose them, we're faster. We're getting Eren to that basement, we aren't here to fight." She looked behind her, emotionless.

After a while more of nagging, we finally got her to give in. She got off the horse and flew behind us, killing the titans in record time. As more titans followed us, she shot a flare.

As the mission failed, we raced back. Very few of us had survived. Levis squad had been almost completely wiped out. Finding out that most of the soldiers were in the trees, (Y/N) seemed more pissed off then usual.

"Are you alright?" I asked her as we hit the walls.

"I'm fine." She answered through clenched teeth.

Your POV

In the mess hall)

"What the hell were they doing in the trees? We could have stopped that titan in its tracks!" I was pissed. Half the scouts were in the damn trees not paying attention of the task at hand. We could have saved a lot of soldiers.

"We couldn't have gotten the Titan either way. It killed even the most elite soldiers. Somehow it has the ability to harden its skin." Levi sighed.

"Then we find a way to break it." My head was spinning, we lost so many good soliders.

"It doesn't work that way. Even the sharpest of blades won't work on it." Levis expression turned concerned.

"I'm going to call in a night before I put someone through the damn wall." I washed out the cup and put it on a shelf. Levi nodded and walked to his office.

I went back to my room where I saw Andrew. He was sitting on the bed.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"I could ask you the same question." He sighed, pulling me beside him.

"Fine. I'm mad that we couldn't have save the lives of those soldiers." I cuddled up to him.

"It wasn't your fault. Don't put the blame on you. That Titan was a Titan shifter by the sounds of it." He played with my hair. I slowly drifted off to sleep, thinking about the mission.

Time skip because I'm lazy

After watching Eren and the Titan shifter fight, the nape was finally cut open. A large crystallized Petra was revealed. I never knew someone as sweet as her could turn into someone that cruel. Andy held me in his arms, keeping me from running to the crystallized Petra. I wanted her to feel the pain of those soliders.

Eventually I gave up and just hugged Andy. I couldn't understand why she did that, or why she would want to, but I hated her for it.

"I love you Andrew."

"I love you too (Y/N)."

Sorry about the twist, I just felt like Andy should have been more of a hero. If you want a lemon or a angst I can write those too :)


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