The door to the shuttle opened, the pressurized air escaping in a small sizzle. You snatched up your coat, holding it tightly against your arm as you struggled to step out of the vessel, John Harrison shoved out before you and suddenly surrounded by half a dozen red shirts. Kirk walked out beside you, frowning slightly.

"Sorry about that, Lieutenant, I wasn't thinking properly. I apologize deeply-"

"Dully noted." You grumbled, walking faster towards the red shirts and Harrison. God, why couldn't James leave you alone for one moment?

"Lieutenant, I-"

"Go away." You whispered, whipping around as tears threatened to spill without your consent. You mentally slapped yourself for getting so emotional, but Kirk always toyed with your feelings. Always. And you were sick of it.

"Just go away, and leave me be! All you do is act like you care about me, and you're just going to leave like the rest of them! Like everybody else! Like my dad, like my mom, like all my friends! Just go now and spare my feelings, James! Leave..." You choked out, biting your lip as your eyes grew blurry and red.


"Don't. Just don't. I need time." You growled, stalking after John Harrison. How dare he... How dare he try and do that? He was just an arrogant little brat who cried whenever he got his toys taken away, and the on it reason he hung out with you was because you were female and your fathers used to hang out together...

Right? He couldn't like you, he couldn't. And you didn't want to like him, he slept around and you didn't want to get caught up with that sort of stuff. You wanted to just... Be. To be yourself, to be secure, and safe from any emotional harm, and that man was too much. Too extravagant. And he reminded you too much of the people who left you for dead in life, the people who claimed to be your friends. The people who claimed to be your loyal crew. You couldn't trust people.

You rushed to the brig where the criminal was being placed into his cell, wiping your eyes and sniffling, trying to compose yourself at least slightly before you started talking to the criminal. This guy would be a piece of cake to deal with. You made eye contact with him for a moment, but his eyes were too calculating and intense for you to hold your gaze any longer, and you hung your head low, turning your back and tucking your hair behind your ear. A shout came from a corridor to your right.

"__y/n__! I thought I told you to check in with me right away for your medical exam-"

"Bones!" You breathed out a laugh, smiling a bit and turning around.

"Really, you should calm down. I'm fi-OW!" You yelped as Dr. McCoy pinched the arm where you were stabbed.

"What the hell was that for? That hurt, and I'm not really in the mood for your checkup right now, I've got other things to do. Go check up on Kirk or something, ask him how he's doing, ask him how many girls he's fucked in the past couple hours! He seemed to like that new weapons expert, Carol, was it? He seemed to like her a ton. Just leave me be!"

"Damn it, Lieutenant, I'm a doctor, not a couples counselor!-"

"We're not a couple!" You snapped, frowning.

"Fine, if you say so. But you two are about as close as penguins in the winter, you two. He really fancies you-"

"I'd prefer the checkup, now." You grumbled, crossing your arms. You heard a deep chuckle from the holding cell, but you didn't pause to turn around. You knew who it was. John Harrison. Your heart skipped a beat, and you freaked for a moment. The feeling in the pit of your stomach...

"I feel like I'm going to be sick..." You murmured under your breath.

"Nonsense, you haven't got a virus in you at all. Probably just nerves or stress-" Bones stated as he pressed a small device on your forehead, and then slid it down to your cheek. The surface was cold, and you could almost taste the metallic smell on it. That could've been the blood, though.

"Done. That wasn't so bad, was it? Come down to the med bay as soon as you're done with Harrison to get new stitches for your arm and back, alright? I'm being nice with this one since the wounds aren't very deep. Stay safe." Bones nodded, and walked away.

You sighed and rubbed the back of your neck. Today was going to be a long day-

"You were crying." A deep voice interjected your thoughts. You jumped, turning around and frowning at the man in front of you.

"That's none of your business, so stay out of it. Why would you care anyway?" You grumbled, crossing your arms and slowly walking up to the glass holding cell. You didn't know what tricks that guy had up his sleeve. The man stayed silent. You huffed.

"That's what I thought...-"

"What is your relationship with the Captain?"

"I have none!" You snapped, growling slightly.

"If anyone out there still cares, I am not emotionally invested, or in a relationship, with James Tiberius Kirk, the master of smooth sailing and smooth talking." You spat sarcastically, sighing. Why were you so riled up?

John Harrison smiled.


You furrowed your brow, turning your attention more directly to the man in front of you.

"Hold up, why is that good?"

"He doesn't seem like he has much skill outside of being a Captain. And even when he tries his hardest, he will still bear the loss of his crew."

You frowned.

"He's a good captain. He hasn't lost anyone on this journey so far, and we're trapped in enemy space due to the warp core malfunction..." You sighed, running a hand through your hair. You looked up to see John Harrison studying you intently. Your face grew hot, and you dropped your gaze to the ground. This man... He made you feel uncomfortable in ways you hadn't felt before. Like... A tingly feeling. It felt a bit nice, but foreign.

"What's your name?" His deep voice cut the silence, causing you to jump slightly.

"Uh, __y/n__. And I already know your name." You stuttered, shifting your weight slightly.

A small sigh came from the glass compartment. You glanced up to see John Harrison standing up close to the glass, staring down at you. Your face grew hot once more.

"__y/n__. Sounds... Familiar."

You shook your head, frowning.

"I don't know you, so it shouldn't sound familiar. Probably someone different."

Secretly you hoped that John and yourself could continue the conversation, but you were interrupted by a group of three men stalking in fiercely.

"Put your arm through the hole. I'm going to take a blood sample."

Bones never took blood samples unless something was special about the host. What was so special about John Harrison, and why did he make you feel... Different?

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