"I was so worried-" Meryl sobbed.

Don was now worried as he cupped her head in his hands. "Baby, you do know me better than that don't you?"

"I do; I promise." Meryl said as she ran her fingers through his hair. "It's just when I come face to face with him..."

Don shook his head as continued to dry her tears. "I can't imagine. He will NEVER see the light of day again; or have contact with ANYONE. His days of terror are truly over thanks to you; and Papa Mike is working with the police which means so are Peggy's and Harry's."

Meryl couldn't stop the tears from coming, tears of relief at the news her husband and their children really were safe. "You're really safe? You and the kids?"

"We are all safe, my love." Don said in awe of who she was. "You did the impossible; you did what the police couldn't do. You found out who tried to kill me and got a confession out of them."

Meryl cried harder. "I had to, I can't let anything happen to any of us."

"And it won't." Don promised her.

Meryl took a deep breath. "You know that we were being followed and he was going to..."

"It won't ever happen." Don breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank God."

Meryl kissed his hands while looking at him. "What's wrong with me? Why am I in here?"

"You had a heart episode because of the stress." Don choked as he explained to his wife why she was in the hospital. "You're doing okay; but you are in Afib which means..."

Meryl pulled a face at him. "I'll be pissing all the time."

"But you'll be alive and well; and that's all I care about." Don said honestly. "You'll be okay once they adjust your meds and watch you for a few days; I am going to make damn sure of it."

Meryl leaned forward to kiss his lips again. "I know you will. You've been okay? How are the babies asleep? They have to be starving."

"I'm okay now that I've been able to hold and kiss my girl and hear her voice as well as see those beautiful green eyes of hers. I even remembered the night we both felt the babies kick together, though we thought it was just one; as well as the night you brought the Yankees game to me." Don choked.

Meryl's face lit up. "You did; really?"

"It's because of you I'm getting my life back." Don pressed his forehead. "And I cannot imagine that life without you; I can't live that life without you."

Meryl sandwiched his lips between hers. "You never will. Babies?"

"Well, when I got the call I had Dad pack the milk and bottles. They wouldn't let the babies back here with us at first; but when they wouldn't let the girls feed them then I convinced Hal and the rest of the staff to let them come back so I could feed them." Don noticed Meryl's face sunk and she erupted in tears. "Baby, they're fine. Really. I fed them while laying in bed next to you; and put your hand on them so they could feel you while you were sleeping."

That almost made it worse for Meryl. "I wasn't there when they needed me. I let fucking stress get to me; and our babies were starving."

"First of all, you WERE there when they needed you; you ALWAYS are. Because you were touching them, they ate." Don said strongly as he wasn't about to let her blame herself. "Second of all, you prepared the milk that they ate. You ALWAYS make sure that all of us are taken care of. Even while you're facing that fucking psycho."

Meryl took a deep breath. "You promise? I didn't put you in a difficult position with taking care of them and your leg and everything?"

"I promise you, my girl." Don whispered with a kiss to her lips and reached to the side pulling the bassinet over to them. "They are fast asleep with full bellies; thanks to their Mama. I kind of like that they wouldn't let the girls feed them. I feel like I've missed out on so much with them that I'm glad they would only eat when they were with us."

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