the hidden sightseer- by SP

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See butdon't touch

a classicphrase said to children and saboteurs alike

out of thedarkness comes one with these very orders

sightseeingin 'borrowed' clothes as gulls caw above

everycrevice is looked with the enthusiasm of a young child

and yetthe one thing the 'sightseer' wanted to 'see' was not there

sending apostcard to 'mum' came like routine

the wordsresting bare on the card were mundane and boring

but onceseen in fresh light they danced giving sights of beauty and interest

as thegulls cease their caw the air is filled with shouts

the'sightseer' had been spotted

just asfast as they had come

they weregone before the gulls could caw again

untold voices- an anthology of poems by SPWhere stories live. Discover now