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Five ninth grade girls were non-stop laughing and talking about boys at a fun friday sleepover! Normal ninth grade girl things, right?

They were the most popular ninth graders at their high school. The ninth, tenth, eleventh, and even some of the twelfth graders are afraid of them, or at least admired them.

Especially the one and only, Alyssa Reed. Beautiful. Blonde. Smile like a goddess. Gorgeous fashion sense. Sweet like candy.

Or that's how she was to people's faces. Nobody expected her to be capable of things she could do.

Even her four popular friends didn't know her as well as they thought they did and that will come back to bite them in the ass. Soon enough.

Anyways, they started tenth grade in a week on this night of September 2, 2016 and they needed time just as best friends before the stressful year kicks off again.

So that's what they were doing. Having a sleepover in Grace Waters living room, sitting on the bed made out of pillow and blankets on the floor. It was two in the morning and they were "trying" to be careful about not waking Grace's parents or siblings up.

"Oh my god, Alyssa!" Grace yelled throwing a pillow at Alyssa.

"What? I mean, you cannot be mad. We all know she is a whore." Alyssa defended smiling her evil smile.

What Alyssas friends' already knew is that Alyssa was a bitch, but low-key.

They were talking about Daniella Waters. Grace's older sister. Some would call her a whore some wouldn't. She always moved from guy to guy when she was done hooking up with them.

"She's still my sister." Grace stated suddenly getting stern.

The room turned silent. The girls could feel the tension and the London broke it, "Did you see the new guy? He's so cute."

Rowan scoffed, "He is definitely not my type."

Alyssa evilly smiled and replied to Rowan, "Are you sure that maybe he isn't your type because he is a 'he'?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Alyssa. He just isn't cute to me, that's all." Rowan said furrowing her eyebrows.

Alyssa politely made fun of all of her friends in that sweet way, and that was what Alyssa teased Rowan about.

Alyssa ignored Rowan and started walking to Grace's kitchen.

"What are you doing?" Grace asked accusingly.

Alyssa giggled, "Let's just say I know where your parents alcohol cabinet is."

The four other girls all exchanged glances at each other as Alyssa walked over to a cabinet and opened it. A bunch of alcohol bottles filled it.

"Jackpot." Alyssa whispered.

She grabbed three bottles and took them over to the girls and sat down.

"We aren't gonna drink these, right?" Rowan asked nervously.

"Of course we are." Alyssa replied opening a tall bottle of vodka.

Grace takes the bottle from her, "Alyssa, we can't. My mom will kill me."

"Aww come on, don't be like that." Alyssa stated rolling her eyes.

Out of nowhere, Callie, a tan brunette, took the bottle out of Grace's hand and took a huge sip straight from the bottle.

Alyssa laughed her perfect laugh saying, "There we go!"

Callie took another sip but this time she didn't stop.

"Careful, Cal, take too much and you'll tell us all your secrets." The large blonde, London, stated smiling as she grabs another bottle Alyssa brought over so she can drink it.

"Friends keep secrets, that's what keeps us close." Alyssa replied laughing.

Rowan and Grace eventually gave in and drank.


It's was the middle of the night. London and Rowan were asleep on the couch. Callie and Grace were asleep on the floor.

Alyssa wasn't there.

As the thunder and lightning of that right rumble the house, Grace woke up confused out of her mind.

She looked at the floor next to her. Three empty bottles were tipped on the floor along with their phones and blankets laid out on the floor.

The memories of the previous night came flooding back to her along with a headache.

Grace looked around the room and saw Callie asleep on the other side of her and London and Rowan passed out on the couch.

No Alyssa.

She heard the wind blowing louder than it should've been. She looked towards the noise and saw her back doors wide open, rattling from the wind.

Grace panicked and shook Rowan awake, "Rowan. Rowan!"

Rowan squeezed her eyes open and looked not pleasant or happy to be awoken from her sleep. Also, her head hurt like Hell.

"What?" Rowan groaned.

"Alyssa's gone." She replies breathing heavily.

Rowan's eyes opened wide and she got off the couch.

Rowan yelled nervously, "Callie! London!"

London and Callie woke up confused and they didn't even have a chance to say anything before Rowan told them what was going on.

Callie tried to calm Rowan down. Rowan always was the first to think the worst.

"Look, Row, it's okay. You know Alyssa. She probably just snuck out to meet a guy." Callie soothed rubbing her back.

Grace grabbed her phone and walked quickly toward the wide open doors, "I'm gonna go look for her outside."

"Be careful." London replied grabbing her own floor from the floor.

3:46 AM, London's home screen read.

She unlocked her phone with her fingerprint and opened up her and Alyssa's text conversations. London's speedy fingers texted her.

L: Where are you?

L: We are worried about you.

London heard a ding on someone's phone. The screen lit up. She picked up the mysterious phone.

It was Alyssa's.

Now London was worried. Alyssa never went anywhere without her phone. It was her best friend, probably even more than the four of them were.

"Shit!" London quietly yelled throwing Alyssa's phone on the floor.

They all saw a figure out of the corner of their eye. They turned to the open doors and their was Grace.

They all stood up to see what she had to say. If she knew where Alyssa was.

"I looked everywhere, I can't find her," Grace confessed breathing heavily.

Grace stuttered, "I- I think I heard her scream."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2018 ⏰

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