Chapter 6:A Party

Start from the beginning

Ash - "Guys!Help meh!"

Giraton -  "And who do you expect us to do?"

Ash - "I hate u"

Ash - "Okay"Ash then walk with Cynthia as Ash glare at Giratina who give him a thumps up

They arrive at Oak's Lab behind as Cynthia lean over the wall same as Ash

Ash - "What did ya want to talk about?"

Cynthia - "Well...You look so familer with someone"Ash rolled his eyes but inside he was screaming

Ash - "Oh really,Who?"Cynthia look at the ground sadly

Cynthia - "You remind me of Ash,The boy i care about the most"She look at the Locket

Ash - "Well,I'm nothing like this Ash person"

Cynthia - "Well kinda i guess"Then Giratina come out the door as he walk to Ash

Giratina - "Dude,We must leave"Ash then was confused

Ash - "...Why...?"

Giratina - "Arceus has arrived and he knows who we are so we must leave"Cynthia look shocked as she took a step back

Ash - "Then that means..."Ash turn around and saw that Cynthia was bzcking away

Ash - "She knows who i am,Huh?"Giratina nodded as Ash turn back into his orginal form which Cynthia try to run but Ash stop her with Shadow Chain

Cynthia - "LET ME GO!!"Cynthia scream as Arceus appear

Arceus - "ASH STOP!!!"Ash release Cynthia who fall on her knees as everyone burst out the door and saw Arceus and surprising Ash

Ash - "Well,Well,Well.If it isn't Arceus,Protecting her new Chosen One,How sweet"Giratina trasform back to his form who he was now at Altered Form

Arceus - "Ash,Stop this now"Arceus landed on the ground

Ash- "And why i should?!You betray me like what happen to the people i cared about and guess what?!THREE OF MY POKEMON DIED!!"The Traitors were trying to escape but Darkrai stop them with Ice Beam

Arceus - "I know...I...I'm so sorry but what are doing right now is bad,Can't you see what will happen if you kept going on like this?!THE WORLD WILL BE IN CHAOS AND THIS HAS TO STOPPED OR ELSE THE WORLD WILL ENDED!!"Ash growl in anger


Arceus - "Yes!They may did do cruel stuff on Pokemon but they treated them with Kindness just like you did back then!"Ash's crimson red eyes began glow furiosly

Ash - "H-HOW DARE...HOW DARE YOU USE THAT SENTENSE ON ME!!!!!"Ash yelled as he fired ten Dark Aura Sphere at Arceus who counter it with Judgement

Arceus - "Ash i'm begging you to stop this now!"Ash laugh sinister

Ash - "ME?!STOP?!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA,I WILL KILL YOU ALL!!"Ash rush at Arceus while he form a Dark Sworld as he about to slash Arceus,Cynthia quickly form a Aura Sheild

Cynthia - "ASH!!PLEASE I'M BEGGING YOU TO STOP THIS NOW!!"Tears escape Cynthia's eyes as she fired a green Aura Sphere and this time it hit Ash who he grunt in pain and all the sudden he remember his past life which he was struggling not to let the Positive Emotion inside of him

Ash fall on his knees as he put his hands on his head

Ash - "S-S-STOP IT!!!STOP MAKING ME FEEL POSITIVE AGAIN!!!!"Giratina quickly lend Ash some of his Negative Emotion as Ash calm down and glare at Arceus madly

Cynthia - "W-Wha"Giratina chuckle

Giratina - "I lend him some of my Negative Emotion so now he's fully pissed at you and Arceus"Ash then got up and he devily smile at Cynthia which she take a step back then she release the entire Legendaries and her Pokemon

Ash release his newly caught Pokemon which they glare at the Legendaries furiosly,Cynthia's Glaceon took a step back but her Determantion come to her as she rush at Ash's Glaceon whuch they collied and then the battle begin

Everyone who is watching where shocked same as the Traitors and then Ash rush at Arceus who dodge the incoming attack as Ash form a Dark Sworld which Arceus dodge it again trying not to hurt Ash

Ash - "WHAT ARE YOU DOING??!!?!FIGHT ME,YOU COWARD!!!!!!"Ash form a large Dark Sworld

Arceus - "No,I refuse to hurt you even it means killing me i still don't wanne hurt you"Arceus said as he dodge the slash

Ash - "HOW PATHETIC!!!"He swung once again which he dodge

It seems like hours as hours as the field were destroyed and Cynthia's Legendaries were fainted and her Pokemon also fainted which she return him but then Ash appear foward her as she tried to run away but Ash grab her waist as he toss her to a tree which Ash form a Shadow Knife on his hand,Arceus who is on the ground were struggling to grt up but failed as the Elite Four's and Champion's tried to help them to defeat Ash but failed

Cynthia - "A-A-A-Ash,Please"Cynthia back away but she relised that she waste too much power

Ash - "Goodbye"Ash was about to stab Cynthia but then Cynthia's Heart Locket came out and it open which Ash stop and the Knife dissapear which he was strugglling to take control back

Ash immedenly teleport back to the Reverse World same as Giratina and the others,Cynthia look at her Heart Locket as she hugged it

----Reverse World----

Ash - "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME NOW???!?!!"Ash punch the ground repeatly as he felt the same emotion when he remember his past with Cynthia

Giratina - "Calm down,The mission was sucessful and we have the data that Mewtwo recover"Ash calm down as he got up and walk to his room leaving a confused group

Rayquaza - "What happen?"Giratina sigh

Giratina - "It's his past,It's haunting him"Eevryone nodded as they left Ash alone

Ash - ".....Why..."He look at the Locket as he place it back to the drawer as he lay down on his bed and fall asleep

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