Chapter Two

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As I walk towards my modified I see Brendan leaning on it with his arms crossed. He's in his Monster Energy fire suit and he is wearing a flat rimmed hat. A nervous feeling starts to fill my stomach as he slips his phone into his pocket. So here he is leaning on my car. I'm pretty sure he's going to say something to me about last night.

I pass by Leo Ramsey and his green and brown #36 modified. He has sunglasses on because of how strong the sun is right now. Even the sand burns as my feet touch it. And they are in Fire proof shoes. Leo waves at me as I walk by him. So Jamie will not be racing because of his fight with Brendan. So he decided to screw with Brendan even more by calling in his friend. And yes his friend is very dreamy as well. His chocolate brown eyes and beautiful soft hair. Brendan does not know that I know him either which is funny.

I jump over what looks like road kill and take a deep breath as I make it to my car. Brendan's eyes look at me sternly then he shifts them to the right.

" Come on Brendan. I had to do what I did. And you know that. Cause you can not control your anger." I say fiercely.

Brendan unfolds his arms and stands up from my car. His eyes give me a death look. Then he moves closer to me. I back up a few feet then stop. His eyes still giving me the look that is known to get him into trouble. Brendan lifts his head looking up at the sun that beats down on both of us. Then he looks back down at me.

" I don't know how to control myself? You know what Dakota..." He says In a deep angry tone.

He reaches for me but I back up slightly again. When he has that look I know it means he will injure or hurt. So now is the time to avoid his strength.

" Brendan stop it. Are you really going to hit a girl. Are you?!" I shout at him.

He grins which sends a shiver down my back. Then he looks to the right and then to the left. I follow his gaze. Yah, stupid move.

At the moment he notices me looking away he goes to punch me. I spin my head straight at the last moment seeing his fist coming towards me. His grin still showing a dark side to him. In that moment even I was surprised. One because he was going to hit me. And two, because some how in a matter of seconds I had caught his fist in my hand. I wince because of the recoil going up my arm. My hand starts to throb but I do not let go of his hand. His eyes look at me realizing that he failed. And he tries to pull back.

Brendan's POV

Last night was embarrassing. Yah I feel good about sending that McMurray kid to the ER for surgery on his face but to be dropped to the ground? Fuck that. Dakota is going to pay for what she did yesterday. Which is why I am leaning on her car. Plus the sheet metal on it is much cooler then anything else around here. The air is so dry it's making me feel like I'm in the desert. The cloudless sky does not help either. It only means that the sun can beat down on us at full force. Yah and to make it worse I'm in a black fire suit. Just my luck. I grab my phone from my pocket and go on Facebook to see what my friends are up to back home. A couple drag races with the 69 Chevelle SS and bonfires. As I look up from my phone I can see Leo waving. Then I see Dakota walking towards me. I slip my phone back into my pocket and grin slightly under the shade of my flat rimmed Monster Energy hat. As she stops in front of me I get up from leaning on her car. And soon enough here we are, my hand in a fist and almost at her face. But she caught it! What the fuck! I give her a look as I try to pull away. That's when it happened...

" What the hell are you doing! Your not a fucken man if your going to land one on a girls face." The boy in the a Blue fire suit says as he walks up to me.

Dakota's POV

Oh god... This is not going to go good. Not when Chase Elliott just walked in on hell... I look at Chase as he walks up to Brendan while giving him a look. Brendan looks at Chase not recognizing him. Which in my and his case is good because I'm sure Brendan would take Chase and and smash him into the ground.

" Iv got this covered. Trust me on this one." I say to Chase trying to drop the hint.

But Chase does not get the hint and he steps in front of me. His fire suit says "ARCA" on it as well. By then I figured Brendan would figure it out. But all he does is back up and walk away.

" Thanks Chase." I say with relief.

Chase smiles and hugs me.

" It's been a while hasn't it?" He says grinning at me.

" yah it has been." I say trying to keep my fear hidden.

Chase let's go of me and pulls away.

" if you ever need help with him. Just call me." He says to me then he pats my shoulder and walks away towards Jamie's car.

I sigh then sink down against my car taking a deep breath. My knees bend as I become almost level to the ground. My back lays against the '1' of my number. My head spins in a million different directions as I worry. As I'm leaning against my car I slowly move my right hand down into the dirt. On the first layer it's as hot as the sun. But a few layers down it's nice and cool. Also moist. My left hand now holds my gloves and I play with the dirt with my right.

" Dakota are you ready?"

I hear as I'm half in a day dream. I lift my head seeing my crew chief. He has his head set around his neck. He's wearing a light colored shirt and jeans.

" yah I'm ready Alex. Is the car ready?" I ask him trying to keep my mind busy.

He grins and looks at me.

" We did our best on her. Now it's your turn." He says confidently.

I grin and pull myself up from the ground. After an hour of qualifying and then pre-race meetings I am finally in my car ready to race. I qualified up front. Brendan has second. Then Chase behind me. I find it amazing that he's in third for a dirt race. Chase is an asphalt track racer. He's an ARCA driver.

" Alright it's a three segment heat race. Ten laps each so good luck and kick ass." Alex says on the cheap scanner that we have built into the car.

I grin and then get ready to race. The 2006 dodge ram pace truck pulls off pit road. Brendan and I follow behind going around 50mph. The track seemed really bumpy today. No smooth lines anywhere. And since it hasn't rained here the dirt can be kicked up very easily.

Once the ram pulls off the track it's go time. I shift the engine and let go of the clutch. As usual Brendan takes the lead and I follow behind him. For the first heat it's just him and I racing for position. I ended up taking the win by pulling beside him off of turn four. Brendan took second and Chase had taken third. Before the second heat my crew had jacked the car up and tightened it up slightly since it was hard to glide through the turns. No new tires. Just gas. Brendan had taken fuel and that was it from where I was sitting.

The second segment was interesting. A few boys in the back had wrecked six cars while they were battling each other for position. Brendan did get a bit of damage from it but nothing to bad. As for Chase, he actually won the second heat. And here I am, in second place with still a tight race car. That's great huh? Yah didn't think so.

Authors note: well idk how well this chapter came out. I will continue the race in chapter three I just need some help with first person stories I suppose. Well vote and comment. Tell me if this is worth keeping cause I'm debating on giving up on it.

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