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Alright! Now is where the fanfiction really starts. Enjoy.

"No braixen."

Braixen hit the ground violently, with a loud crash that brought tears to Serena's eyes.

She screamed as loud as she could, only realising that mega-charizard, carrying pikachu, had missed Braixen only by inches.

The Others were surprised, Serena, too, was surprised but she was angry, too.
If only-if only they had been faster, just o-one second and Braixen...would've been alright, she thought, then shook herself. It's not their fault, at least they tried, all I did was stand here, watch and scream. Like screaming and crying would help. I'm useless, I can't even help my own Pokémon, she thought, self-consciously. It felt like someone was squeezing her heart, tears flowed out freely. She fell to her knees as mairin comforted her.

"You couldn't do anything Serena, it's not your fault."

"How could I be so selfish? Why didn't I do anything?!'  Serena said, ignoring mairin, trapped in her own little world.

"The only thing you could've done was jump, and even then, you'd be too injured to help anyone." Mairin tried explaining.

Serena's eyes widened, as if she had had an idea. Mairin stared at her curiously, wondering what she was thinking when it hit her. She gasped.

"Serena, I was trying to tell you there was nothing you could've done, including jumping, okay? It's too dangerous. Don't even think about it." Mairin said desperately trying to persuade her to not think about jumping.

"But-but you just said it was the only thing I could've done!'

"I also said that it'd make you too injured to help anyone, including Braixen."

"I don't care, braixen's risked so much for me."


"I'm going. Don't try to stop me."

"I won't, but I'm coming with you."

"NO! Mairin, you need to understand, Braixen is my responsibility, you need to watch chespy, if anything happens to you, and we save chespy, what will be the point? Chespy loves, and needs you, I can't take something so important from him, just after he awakens from a comma. A comma, for goodness' sake, I'm not that cruel, mairin."

"But-I-it's just-"

"I promise to take care."


"Thanks, mairin."

"Just-just be careful. Please."

"I swear I will."

"Steven! Professor. I need you to move aside."

"Why?' Steven asks

"Just do it. Trust me."

"Okay, then." Prof. Sycamore agrees, stepping aside, followed by Steven.

Serena runs quickly and jumps before the two men realise what she's doing, when they do realise what just happened, Serena's already flying through the thick smoky air.

"We could've landed the plane, why did you let her do that?'

"Because, it was too dangerous to land the plane, I guess. I mean, we would all be in the danger of getting hit, and we'd probably interrupt the fight between metagross and garchomp and the giant rock."

"I guess, but we could've thought of a different way!'

"But then Braixen could die of blood loss. Braixen could die, that's how serious the situation is."

"It's because of chespy, isn't it? You feel like you should've done something, that it's good that at least Serena's doing something to save her Pokémon."

"NO! Of course not." She cried, suddenly somewhat defensive. He raised an eyebrow at her indicating that he did not believe her. She sighed.
"Yes, I-i let something so bad happen to chespy. She can save Braixen. Who am I to stop her?'

"She's right. It's Serena's choice, we couldn't have stopped her if we tried."

"I guess we just have to hope she's alright."


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