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"We need to get out of that city!" Brenda said worried as he helped Thomas getting Newt to stand on his own two feet. "The others are waiting!"

"I can't!"

"What?!" Four head shot around to look at Thomas as if he lost his mind.


"The cure. You heard Teresa yourself."

"How can you still trust her?" Newt asked.

"I don't. But if it's true I can't just leave. I have to try."

"They just want you.They want revenge. You have no idea what they will do to you! They're going to kill you! " Minho shouted at him.

"Please, come back with us!" Brenda begged.

"I can't. I don't expect you to come with me. Just go. Get to safety."

"I won't leave you alone again!"


"Shut it! I will go with you! I know I won't be able to change your mind in coming with us. So I am coming with you!"

"I'll come, too." Gally suddenly said, standing next to Newt.

Brenda and Minho exchanged a look and nodded at Thomas. "You're not alone."

Thomas knew he couldn't stop them. And he was happy that he was not alone. He nodded at them. "Thank you."

"We'll always be with you!" Newt said, laying a hand on Thomas' shoulder. He smiled.

"We need a plan!" Gally said. "We can't just run in there and not knowing what we're doing."

"That's what we usually do." Minho mumbled.

Suddenly the ground started shaking.

"The building is collapsing!" Brenda shouted in horror.

"Run!" Gally screamed.

They ran, stumbling over the uneven ground and their own feet, trying not to get hit by the falling building. Thomas held Newt's hand, pulling him with him. Newt wasn't as fast as before. His body would need time to heal completely again.

"Which way?" Minho shouted as he reached the end of the hall they've been in. The exit was blocked. There was no way out.

"We have to get out!" Brenda shouted as she looked back. A huge rock was exploding on the ground just some meters behind Newt.

"That way!" Thomas shouted, pulling Newt to the left.

"We'll just get deeper inside!" Gally called after him.

"That's the only way!"

Not missing another second the other three followed. They arrived in a seemingly endless corridor. Glass on their right, a crumbling building on their left. Not hesitating Minho threw himself against the glass. Already weakened by the constant explosions and vibrations the glass easily gave way and Minho stumbled outside.

"Come on!"

One after the other slipped through the gap. Only then did they notice that they already were outside, right in the way of the collapsing building. They sprinted across the next three streets before they dared to look around again. The skyscraper had toppled over and lay crashed into pieces all over the streets.

The five friends stood there, breathing heavily and trying to organize their thoughts again.

"What now?"

"Look" Newt suddenly said. "We're here!" He pointed across the street to WICKED's main control tower.

"But if we want to get the cure we have to hurry!" Gally said. "Those guys won't stop for anything."

Never Leave - NewtmasWhere stories live. Discover now