"I warned you. I prefer this position anyway." He smugly spoke.

"Did you just let me win?"

I couldn't prevent the disappointed tone bubbling through. There was no question he had been lenient with me, but I hadn't realised the amount of patience Harry had given. It was kind of sweet.

"Intellectually you have me pinned, but when it comes to the physical..."

My hand cupped his cheek as he hovered over me. The glow of his eyes warmed with my touch. He didn't give himself enough credit.

"I think you're smart."

A wide grin commenced before dipping and kissing the end of my nose.

"And I'd let you win any day."

I lightly shoved at his chest to test his statement and sure enough he shifted with my force to roll to his back. The TV was still quietly humming in the background, Harry sitting up and leaning against the front of the sofa. I was encouraged with a playful smile to crawl to him and settle between his bent legs. We sat in that position for a short time, Harry's head resting upon my shoulder as I tapped away on my phone, stretching the wire over the sofa as it charged. Not two minutes later and I had received texts in confirmation of my friends' attendance for the shopping trip.

"Are you going out with Hayley?"

"Yeah, tomorrow."

"Do you want a lift?" Harry absentmindedly offered, the majority of his attention still on the TV screen.

We had spent the last two and half hours watching 'Supernatural', a show that I had pestered him into trying. It amused me at just how quickly he had become immersed, to the point of hushing me so he could hear the dialogue.

"Lucy, Charlotte and Zoe are coming, too." I quietly informed him.

"Uh, that's fine, I can take them as well."

I pressed a kiss to his cheek, knowing full well he hadn't completely recovered from his last meeting with them. What with the interrogation and their attempt to make Harry prove his occupation.


"Are you ready to go?" Harry called up to my room.

"Hang on, hang on!"

I always left getting organised to the last minute for some reason, rushing around my room and collecting items that would be useful on a trip to the shops. Seconds later I caught a glimpse of Harry blocking the doorway, his line of sight followed me as I jogged back over to my dresser. He looked like a spectator at a tennis match.

"You told me you were good to go." He commented.

"Yeah, well I thought of something else."

He waited for me to charge back toward the bathroom before crossing the obstacle course that was my bedroom floor and taking a seat on the mattress. I watched in the mirror as Harry thumbed through the pages of the note book I had accidently left open.

"What's this?" He peered up, his palms making the object look smaller.


I tucked the paper plane pendent into the neck of my shirt, making my way over to him and holding my hand out for the note book. My gesture was ignored, Harry exploring the penned words further.

"You've been writing?"

"Yeah, but it's not very good." I excused, reaching again.

He stood abruptly, holding my possession higher than my arms would allow.

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