
"Oh, hi, does umm, is this Kathy Styles?" I raspy voice stuttered.

I frowned slightly before replying.

"No, she's just popped out for a bit. This is her daughter, can I take a message?"

My hands rummaged for a note pad and a pen from a drawer. I cleared my throat, trying to get some response out of the mystery called. The line was silent on the other end.

"I can get her to call you back?" I suggested.

I was about to put the phone down, thinking the call had died before the male voice spoke again.

"Jessy?" He whispered.

I swallowed back the lump in my throat, my heart pounding against my chest. It can't be. The only person who called me that.... I suddenly began to feel faint.

"Oh my god."

The phone dropped from my hand, clattering to the floor. My eyes squeezed closed, reality falling away for a short time as I became lost in my whirling thoughts. After a second my mind caught up with my body and I fell to my knees. My hands urgently gripped the phone.

"H-Harry?" I desperately pleaded.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

I could hear the slight amusement in his voice. Always the cheeky one.

"My baby brother." I mumbled, tears in my eyes. "Where are you?"

"I'm in my flat." His tone told me he was rolling his eyes.

"Oh my gosh, you have a flat." I quietly confirmed. "And your voice has gotten so deep."

To me he was still just a sixteen year old boy. Awkward teenager with crazy curly hair.

"Jessy, I'm twenty." He said matter-of-factly.

The tears had started again, rolling down my cheeks. We'd missed out on four years of his life. My heart lurched at the thought of him being all on his own. He'd left when he was still a boy. I couldn't bear to think of what had gone through his mind four years ago. Our reactions to the event in the back garden forcing him to believe the people he loved were terrified of him.

"We've missed you, Harry." I whispered. "My God, we've missed you so much."

My sobbing became a little erratic as I attempted to rein in the emotions. I slowly slid to the floor, tightly clutching the phone to my ear, desperate to hear his voice. Desperate not to lose him again.

"Please Jess, don't cry." Harry mumbled.

"I want to see you." I gushed.


Harry's POV

I couldn't wipe the smile from my face as I strolled back to the bedroom. We were going to meet. After four years I was going to see my mum and sister again. My eyes lit up as I spotted Bo. She was the reason, the beautiful, stubborn girl in front of me. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have tired. I would have carried on with the rest of my life, continuing to think my family wanted absolutely nothing to do with me. A feeling of being lost, unloved constantly aching in my chest.

She was awake, sitting up, knees bent as she leant back against the headboard. Her hand hastily travelled up to her hair, attempting to tame the wavy locks.

"Hello, Beautiful."

She shyly smiled, speaking a quiet "good morning".

I crawled onto the end of the bed, Bo taking her bottom lip between her teeth.

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