'Red is the color of fate'

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"WHAT?! You were ordered to be someones CONCUBINE?!!" He asked, shouting.

"Yeah... by a very famous boy who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He thought my hair was unusual so he wanted it for himself, I thought I'd give him part of what he wanted so I cut off my hair and left it behind. Besides if I had obeyed his orders it would just be as if he was buying an apple from a fruits seller" she sighed and forced a smile. Zen burst out laughing.

"You genius!!! It's your lucky red after all!" He laughed.

" what do you mean?" She asked with confusion.

"Each color has a meaning, and red is the color of fate. It might cause you nothing but trouble now, but that's because it's connected to something good" he told her, smiling.

They were walking down back to house and by the door lay a basket of red apples, with a black ribbon tied to it...

"Oh no... that's the ribbon I tied to my hair when I left it!" She said, her heart beating rapidly.

Snow White with the red hairWhere stories live. Discover now