Chapter 54

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A/N basically I'm skipping Valentine's Day cause I'm very late for it. But they gave each other gifts and it was really cute Grace gave Logan the cologne and Logan gave Grace a necklace.

Hi everyone I haven't updated in a year I think.. but this is the end I hope you enjoyed my story. It was a little all over the place lmao.

Grace POV

It was dark... so dark...
so cold.
Where is Logan
Where is my boy..

I'm terrified and I want Logan, he keeps me safe.

Then it was like in a dream. I was the girl sitting on the street.

Clank clank clank someone just put coins in my cup I then look up and I see a pair of beautiful blue eyes looking at me and shagging blonde hair he was the guy I saw this morning. I look up slowly. He was so close to my face

"Hi," I say quietly
"Hi," he said in a whisper. "Thank you for the change," I say quietly.
He then took out his wallet and gave me a 20$ bill, a whole 20$.
Then he walked away.
Wait, wait I yell "thank you"
"your welcome...........beautiful," he says

I start to think. Am I back on the street what's going on. It felt so weird I felt like I was dreaming. Like I was floating. I feel lost and scared.

It's so empty and dark

10 years later (from last chapter)

Logan POV

"Lucy do you want to go see mommy"
"yes of course dad" Lucy answered her eyes were bright and light blue.
"can we please daddy" begged Finn.
His shaggy blonde hair was everywhere.

Lucy ⬆️⬆️

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Lucy ⬆️⬆️

Finn ⬆️⬆️

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Finn ⬆️⬆️

We open the door and the kids run to her bed they sit next to Grace.
"Hi mommy we miss you so much can you please come back" said Lucy.
Finn looked at her.. "please mommy we need you.. daddy needs you the most"

We sat there in silence till finally Lucy asks "dad can I get a drink of water" "yeah of course sweetie take your brother with you"

I stare down at Grace. "Hi Gracie I miss you more than anything else you are the best part of me and you are my entire world. I can not believe it's been 2 years since the accident.

Lucy is 7 now and Finn is 5 now..
we are getting close to our 10 year anniversary. Jackson misses you so much he always texts me to check up on you.
Grace darling if you can hear me please wake up"

I stand up and kiss her forehead. I walk into the hallway Finn runs to me "daddy do we have to leave already "
"yes bud we need to go"
Lucy holds my hand and we walk out to the car.

We were driving back and Lucy asked "dad, when is Mom coming back" I glanced back "well she could wake up at any time but doctors say it helps if we visit it her she can hear us"

We got home and I went back into the garden while the kids played inside.

I sat in the swing staring at the ground.

I was deep in thought

If only I was with her I could have been driving and it could have been me not her. She does not deserve this. That stupid guy had to fall asleep behind the wheel. He hit my beautiful wife and now she's in a coma. I just want her back.
I miss her smile and her bright eyes
She always made me laugh and smile
And her kids need her

She's been though so much in her life her family died and she lived with that awful man and then lived on the street and after years I helped her and we fell in love. She doesn't deserve any of this.

My eyes tear up
And I whisper
"Grace please come back I need you"

Lucy and Finn run out to me
And there holding something
It's the sweatshirt the one I gave her
Tears streamed down my face I haven't seen that in so long they handed it to me.
I held it so close to my heart.

Lucy looks up at me with big curious eyes ugh just like her moms I thought.
She says "daddy is this mommy's"

"Yes it is"
I thought for a minute and say
"Do you two want to hear a story"
Finn looks at me
"What's it about"
"a girl, a girl who lived on the street"

I don't know about you guys but I want to cry I started this story over 2 year ago it means so much to me. Thank you for doing what I love but sadly I won't be writing anymore. Please let me know what you think of the book. I hope you guys are satisfied with the ending. And if you would like to come up an ending yourself message me if I like it I will publish and give you a shout out but this is the last one I'm writing.

I love you guys so much ❤️ thank you for the reads and comments and votes it means the entire world to me.

Logang I love you..
take it is easy fam
Peace ✌🏻

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