22 Caught In Time

Start from the beginning

“It’s delicious. You should try it,” I tell him after finishing my mouthful.

We keep up the small talk, laughing and spending time together. Being as busy as we have lately, I miss just hanging out with my best friend. This is how we became what we are now; the ease of which we can just be ourselves and be completely happy together. 

After we finish eating, Topher looks over at his side table, “You don’t have anything else planned do you?”

Shaking my head, I answer, “No, I thought we would just spend the day together. I have your presents, but that’s the only thing I planned really.”

“We will be together,” his smirk is wicked as his eyebrow raises, “but I have a whole day planned for us. Do you mind if we do the presents thing at dinner?”

“Not at all,” a smile slips onto my face as he gets out of bed.

“Good, now get ready we have to leave soon.”


About thirty minutes after we get out of bed, a buzzer goes off through our home. Since my husband is in the shower, I walk over to the intercom and press the speak button, “Hello?”

“Good morning, Mr. Damian. Is your husband around?” It makes me smile that Jim finally used my name without being prompted.

“He’s in the shower, did you need something?”

After a few seconds of silence, he comes back on, “No, sir, just have your Mr. Topher buzz down when he gets out.”

“Are you sure? I’m more than capable of doing whatever you need.”

He sounds more lighthearted when his voice comes back, “I don’t doubt that, but I was told that he was the only one I should talk to today.”

Glaring ineffectively at the little white box, I pry a little more, “Does this have to do with what he’s planned today?”

“I can’t answer any of your questions either, sir.”

Now I’m dangerously curious, “I’ll pay you.”

“No bribes either,” he chuckles at this one.

The sudden hand on my shoulder makes me jump and let out a little squeak as a press the button to answer Jim again.

While laughing at me, Chris leans beside me to press my finger back to the button, “Jim, it’s me. Is everything ready?”

“Everything’s in place, sir,” Jim sounds like he’s laughing too.

My best friend smirks at the scowl on my face before continuing their conversation, “Awesome. Send up the first part.”

“You got it.”

As Topher rights himself and turns to me I fold my arms across my chest, “You scared me.”

“I’ve been doing that a lot lately.” When I don’t respond, he leans in to press his lips to mine. “Maybe you shouldn’t be bribing our doorman.”

“I wouldn’t have to if you told me where we are going.”

“You’ll know when we get there.”

Before the conversation could progress any, there’s a knock on the front door. My husband takes a step toward it when I notice that he’s now fully dressed and ready for the day. He looks nice in a pair of white jeans and a light blue jumper that matches his eyes. Me on the other hand, I am in a pair of dark jeans and socks.

“Why don’t you finish getting ready while I answer this,” Chris nods his head toward the door.

Crossing my arms over my bear chest, I shift my weight to one foot, “I want to know who’s here.”

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