Chapter 2 : Nations worries

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G8 meeting

"Dude?! You mean to tell me they might be missing?!" America exclaimed to the whole world, his loud voice silencing everyone conversation in the large meeting room.

"Ja" Germany nodded his head.

"They could still turn up, the meeting isn't over yet, and could be running late" Japan added.

"But I haven't heard from Romano in 7 days; that is 1 week I haven't seen or heard from him!" Spain exclaimed worriedly.

"That reminds me, I haven't seen or heard from Italy in a week either" Germany added.

"Oh, how unfortunate, what could they be doing," France asked?

"No one knows" England replied.

"They can't just disappear off the face of the earth, that's impossible, so they are somewhere aru," China exclaimed!

"Russia, you didn't have anything to do with it," America asked and half glared at the Russian.

"Why expect it was me, I am too wondering where the Italy twin is" Russian replied.

"Sure you are" America muttered.

"Right," England said a little uneasily.


"Ve Fratello, what did he say," North Italy asked South Italy.

"Only a few more days now"Lovino turned to face Feliciano.

"I'm starting to worried Lovi, what if everyone hates us now because of my plan," Feliciano asked in his real voice it was now rougher and manly as if promising pleasure to whoever heard it almost like his brother Romano?

"Feli, they might hate us, except for 4 of them, but who cares about those bastards"Lovi cracked a rare smile.

"Grazia Fratello" Feliciano returned the smile.

"Anyway Feli, we're going to need our smarts soon," Lovino said.

"Si" Feliciano smiled wider, a real smile for once. His usual smile was fake, his true emotions hidden under a mask; Only a handful of people seen Feliciano smile a real smile.

He pretended to be weak only Lovino and 4 other nation knew the truth.

"I wonder what the other nations would say if they knew the real us" Feliciano asked in humor?

"Si, especially about us being in the Mafia" Lovino laughed along with his younger twin.

"Ciao Fratello's" a cheery voice came from the doorway.

Lovino and Feliciano turned and saw Seborga standing, smiling widely and waving you could see a ring with a green gem.

"Ciao Seborga" they greeted.

"So is it ready," he asked seriously?

"Nearly" Lovino replied.

Back at the meeting

"The meeting is now over" Germany sighed.

"Italy and his brother didn't show after all" Japan said adding a fake sad tone that went unnoticed to the other nation.

"We should look for the West, you agree?!" Prussia exclaimed secretly nodding to Japan.

"Ja we should" Germany replied.

"Well, I'm helping!" Spain stated.

"I will help too" Japan added secretly looking at Russia.

"Dudes don't forget about me, I will help too" America exclaimed.

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