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"We got to go! Come on!" Thomas shouted at Newt. He tried to get him on to his feet. But he wouldn't let him.
Newt pulled at something around his neck. He sat on the ground breathing hard. He was fighting this demon, growing inside him, with everything he had. But he knew Minho wouldn't be fast enough. He was a runner, yes. One of the best they've ever had. But he wouldn't make it back in time. He needed Thomas to understand how important this was.

Newt had ripped his necklace off and held it with shaking hands for his friend to take.

"Take this! Take it!" He shouted, interrupted Thomas' constant pleads for him to finally get going. To get him to safety. He must have noticed how desperate Newt was. He closed his hand over Newt's.

"Please! Please, Tommy!" Newt whispered. If this was one of the last clear thoughts he'd have then he was glad it was Thomas. It should always be Thomas.

Thomas looked him in the eyes, his own covered with sadness. Seeing his friend, the one he truly loved, taken by the illness, slowly killing him from inside, was ripping his heart apart. But he couldn't let Newt down. Not now. Minho and Gally were off to get the cure. It would save him. He would live. He just had to.

"All right" Thomas whispered. He slowly took the necklace out of Newt's hand and put it in his pocket. He couldn't think clearly anymore and paid no further attention to what Newt had just given him. He just had to get him out of there.

Newt still sat in front of him, gasping for air. Blood was running out of his mouth, his eyes slowly turning black. No emotion, only pain was mirroring inside them.

"Don't you dare, leave me now! You hear me?" Thomas pleaded. "We'll make it! Come on!"

He put one arm around Newt's back and lay his arm over his shoulders. He gathered all of the strength he had left and hauled his friend up with him.
Newt groaned in pain but tried everything to stay awake, to fight the monster inside him. He couldn't give up. He wouldn't forgive himself if he hurt Thomas if he lost control over himself completely.
Thomas stumbled forward, out of their hiding place. Newt could barely walk himself anymore so he tried to carry most of his weight. Around them, bombs exploded and one building after the other was consumed by the fire. It was like war. Screams, explosions, guns. They crossed every street as quick as possible to not get caught in the middle of gunfire.


Brenda and the others had just arrived on top of a skyscraper. One of the few that was still intact. They ran outside just to see how complete destruction was taking over the city.

"We can't stay here!"

But Brenda wouldn't give up on her friends. She would never.

"Don't worry. They'll be here!"


Thomas had found a way through a broken glass door inside a building. They were getting nearer to the others. They'd get the cure in time. That's what Thomas made himself believe.

Newt got weaker by the second and soon Thomas was carrying almost his whole weight by himself. He was exhausted and every bone in his body ached. But he kept going. Always kept going. For Newt.

"Almost there! Let's go! Come on!" He encouraged his friend as he stumbled over the ground, pulling Newt with him. He knew his friends would come back this way. And they'd find them. He needed to bring Newt to them.

But suddenly it seemed like every remaining bit of strength Newt had saved in him left him. Thomas wasn't prepared as he took his last step and fell right into him. He tried to balance them but was too weak. Newt fell first and took Thomas with him to the ground.

Never Leave - NewtmasWhere stories live. Discover now