Dear Nico

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Dear Nico,

I know you don't want to hear this from just a piece of paper and I'm sorry that I was not able to talk to you. But it is not your fault and you shouldn't regret anything. You were my best friend. You are my best friend and I always knew that you were there for me. And yet, even though you wanted to help me so much I couldn't bear to be alive. It is certainly not your fault and please don't cry over me.

You always said that one day it will get better, that I will feel better and I'm telling you the same now. Nico, I know it hurts, it hurts so much that you feel like your chest is exploding. You regret so much because you wish to have more time with that person, to see that person again, to just talk to them and enjoy their presence. But remember, it will get better! And even though you don't believe in a life after, I do. So, whatever happens to you, come talk to me. I might not be able to say anything back - well, I'm probably not able to say anything but if I could I would haunt you because I've never gotten sunflowers from you - but I'm there and I'll always be there for you.

Stay strong and someday it won't hurt so much anymore. Everything will be alright.


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