"Okay, this is what I mean by exaggerating. And let me just add crazy and in denial."

"Damian," I whined. "Something is honestly off with that dude!" I said while following Damian around the shop hoping he would listen.

"Sherry, you always do this." I stopped and stared at his back until he turned around and faced me. "You try to find something 'wrong' with every guy who wants to get to know you. Who shows an interest."

"No, that's not it! Something is honestly off-"

"Stop it, this is unhealthy." he said scolding me. "And let me just say, you can't run away from all men forever, not with that body and face, they will get you!" I looked down at my shoes awkwardly. 

"That's what I'm afraid Dominic is going to do..." I muttered. "He's going to get Me." i whispered out, but I doubt he heard.

"Not every guy thinks like you Damian." I said quietly, this time speaking to him. "Not every guy wants to stick with me through the long run, and we both know that by experience." I said before walking away. "I'm just looking out for myself because I couldn't handle another heart break. They just mess you up real bad." I managed to say but my voice cracked at the end. 

"Sherry.." I heard him call after me but I just wasn't in the mood, so I held up a finger hoping he wouldn't come closer. 

"I'm just toning to stock up some shelves."


"My only interest right now are the Shelves, that's it."


"Can't hear you. Lalalalalala!" I sad while putting my hands over my ears like a child would.

"You're so immature, you know that." 

"La la la." he huffed and walked away. 


"It's break time!" I said walking over to Damian.

"I'm not hungry." it was obvious he was still upset.

"I'll take you to that cafe where they have cute gay twins." his eyes lit up. 

"Well I do have to eat." I laughed at his antics. "But you still owe me an apology." I rolled my eyes. 

"I rather buy you lunch."

"That works." he rushed out from behind the front desk and grabbed my hand, "Let's go." he said with a goofy smile on his face. 

"Why can't all guys be as simple minded as you."

"Sweetie, they are! You just usually go for the real jacked up ones. You have like the ultimate asshole radar." he said while laughing. 




"If you were to date a guy I set you up with you would realize there are actual descent men out there." I rolled my eyes.

"Damian, I've seen the men you chose for yourself, so what makes you think I would trust the men you were to pick for me."

"No! You've seen the men I chose to have one-night stands with. Totally different thing." he said winking. 

"Either way, they only thing I may appreciate would be the view."

"Some of them are insightful." I rolled my eyes.

"Stop rolling your eyes, it's an irritating bad habit." I as about to roll my eyes but I decided against it, it was a bad habit of mine, so I simply slapped his shoulder.

"Happy?" I sad with a sadistic smile. 

"Oh bite me." I stuck my tongue out. 

Okay so to Damian's disappointment, we didn't bump into some gay twins, but c'mon, what were the chances of that happening again? Very low. 

However there were some Very attractive men lingering around. 

"Well, I guess this works too." he said while looking at the men spread around. 

We ate while discussing pure nonsense which was what we were best at and from time to time Damian would play match maker and bring over a guy for me. 

Very awkward situation, especially when the guys girlfriend would appear and start bitching at us. Calling me a home wrecker or a whore. I hadn't even been the one to call the guy over!

"Oh fuck me, it was an honest mistake bitch. How was she suppose to know he had a girlfriend when he’s sitting there all by himself." 

"Damien!" I hissed. "Shut up! I wasn't even interested."

"Sweetie, with a body like his, I'm sure you were." I dropped my head on the table. Why was I friends with him? Why?!

Thankfully the couple walked away and left us alone, however the girl sent us both heated glares, while the guy was just shocked. 

"Damien eat so we can leave." I said embarrassed by all the attention we were receiving. 

He laughed and bit into his sub, "Oh cheer up baby cakes."


A/N ; So this is where it begins, Dominic is getting territorial and Damian is...? Well he's just being good old Damien. Lol

 -So tell me what you guys think? 

 Also, I'm seeing a few of you like this story so I'm picking back up on it, I'm sorry it's taken me so long to realize this. 

 -Ten votes before next Chapter (?) (: 

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